Entitled Survivor Throws Insults After Failed Flashlights – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Lightborn is now my second favorite killer perk, behind NOED of course 🙂


More salt


23 thoughts on “Entitled Survivor Throws Insults After Failed Flashlights – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I’m a survivor main and I will be honest sometimes I do get mad when i get tunneled or camped 5 gens but It’s for a second and i move on. I always give the killer props for out playing me, especially if they scare me lol.

  2. Survivors: play bad and get hooked close to each other
    Killer: has literally no reason to leave the area
    Survivors, who got themselves in the situation: omg he's camping

    Killer: literally uses a perk slot just to counter 1 item instead of using gen regression or something meta and strong
    Surviors: omg he's so bad

    As a survivor main, i will never understand survivors logic

  3. It always amazes me how these salty survivors get mad at the killers for playing the game how they’re supposed to. Nothing illegal about tunneling or camping, sure it’s annoying if you’re playing survivor but that’s how the game goes Lol

  4. Funny how people can't play a "game" the way they want to without someone being butt hurt.

    Don't play video games if you can't keep your emotions in check, I have severe mental health issues and am bipolar, yet I don't act like a li'l bish when I lose a game. Analyze what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes and move on to the next match.


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