Does "Anti-Heal" matter on Hillbilly? | Dead by Daylight

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Does an Anti-Heal build on Hillbilly with his Begrimed Chains add-on matter?


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15 thoughts on “Does "Anti-Heal" matter on Hillbilly? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Everyone is talking about these changes but are missing the fact Hillbilly can literally no joke do a total 180. Like turn around 180 with his chainsaw. How? There is a 1 second window where your turn rate is unlocked and durning that window turn around.

  2. Idek what the problem with Mangled is. Survivors get to heal way too easily nowadays and now they get to heal even easier?? Sounds like total bullshit but I guess we’ll just have to wait for the PTB πŸ’€

  3. Every time I wake up in the morning, I watch a Tat video. It originally started as an accident but I genuinely feel good after watching him tear it up as killer. It's actually made my mornings so much easier.

  4. You have to try this legion build I cannot believe it works with the add-on you said was underrated last video. I paired Stolen Sketch Book with ETCHED RULER. My build was hoarder, pain resonance, hex: face the darkness, grim embrace. Since survivors are oblivious after a heat they’ll get hit by face the darkness. And for some reason you can detect with hoarder in your power.

  5. I feel like it's not worth to run that add on. Cuz it's either you down them with chainsaw, or you m1 cuz they're injured and you're close enough to just not use chainsaw and go for the m1. It's like, there's no point in healing, cuz you got a good chance of getting insta down from a chainsaw, but there's also no point in being injured because if he's close enough and or nothing useful RIGHT at that moment, then you're gonna get m1'ed. Like Billy's power is so good that this is a genuine thing to no longer think about, rather, to know it's gonna happen.


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