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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
Surv cheater…
Don’t think he was, when true used the whip before the second time he would have done it earlier. He would have done it at 10:40
4:45 source "Trust me bro"
100% cheating survivor
So tunnel the survivor that’s not very good out. Lol. I remember the old days of trues words “I don’t like tunneling I don’t do it” yet here he is
I'm noticing almost everybody puts auto dead hard, especially on windows. It's pathetic that dbd got so low with a singular toxic perk, survivor mains are true scum. I'm not on killer mains side, but this is getting ridiculous, there are even a lot of disconnections by survivors to put an end to killers and nerf them, even low ones, they can't accept the defeat and they moan and threaten Behavior still to this day, that's scandalous! This community is fucking trash!
Edit: Also, who's inspiring everyone to become competitive? But obviously OTZDARVA!!! I HATE HIM!!!
I feel this, there is no way someone can 100% predict when im gonna m1 everytime and i don't lunge.
reporting in chat doesn't work, Tru3. You have to go to their website and submit a clip. Give them your Cloud ID and all this stuff. They don't investigate cheating through in-game reports, only profanity / harassment.
Believe me when people some times 'teabagging ' its not they meant to teabag especially if they are on XBOX because of the Left Bubber ,Left Trigger button be right on top of each other you accidentally hit the Left trigger button and you kneel and its quit aggravating I do it all the time in chase and it's a complete accident it's not teabagging. I get caught a lot because I wish I could chang my button ser up.
You can test for auto dead hard by swinging in a chase with a wild swing that would never hit and they'll try and dead hard it.
He didn't have auto dead hard. 7:16 he tried to dead hard the whip but was too early. If it were an auto it would have went off the moment he swung. At 10:40 if it were auto he would have dead harded the missed whip. Granted who knows and maybe he switched it off at the pallet and then turned it back on later but as of right now I will say no he was legit.
Full of cheaters.
A good way to test for auto deadhard is to make them drop a pallet, be on the other side of said pallet which is completely safe, and M1. Autodeadhard will trigger. Choy did a video showing it.
Literally no chance he isn't cheating.
“Twitter Survivor” – Good one Tru3 😂
I mean I agree but you def just full tunneled at 4 gens so she can’t get better but she was a horrible looper
I not the best player but see You play hurt My eyes
Nemesis should injure survivors at tier 3.
he missed the deadhard earlier in the match. After the first successful one, but before the second where you call him a cheater.
LOL he tried to turn it off and use it randomly towards the end like we wouldn’t notice
In the first chase he did dead hard your tentacle, I was confused why he did it but it kinda makes sense if he’s cheating
7:13 is definitely the most sus part. He deadhearded a non infected tentacle. It seems to activate when going for the hit and pulling out your tentacle as he deadhearded when tru pulled his tentacle at the end as well
Those are downright unrealistic human reactions.
He reacted in the fragment of a second you swung instead of lunged and baiting it just flat out wasn’t working.
That’s not legit.
At 1430 you could punch the tree. Auto dead hard activates when you m1
I run unrelenting as a deadhard counter. Miss the m1 and catch people when they are exhausted
11:10 Watching a survivor run past a pallet and then take you to another reality where they did, in fact, drop the pallet.
This is why dead hard should not have been changed to the way it is now, it should have just had a different effect entirely. It was very clear he had auto dead hard when he used it on his infected health state. It literally shouldn't be this way. We shouldn't have to fucking guess if the survivor is actually good or a cheater because BHVR changed a perk to make cheating ambiguous!
I don't care about the auto-deadhard
The only thing I care is about how horrible that Kate was at the game.
Off the record lol?