Nemesis says STARS in Dead by Daylight!

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24 thoughts on “Nemesis says STARS in Dead by Daylight!”

  1. This game is so ass.. Sure the idea of it is cool but like it's dam near impossible to escape and don't come at me with git gud im actually pretty good but like once it gets down to 2 people and you still have 4 generators to do because other people die to fast or are dumb then it's pretty much a inevitable loss 🤷‍♂️ just a waste of dam time.. Atleast in Friday the 13th it's more or less fair when it comes to escaping you have way more of a chance then this shit.. Rant over 🤷‍♂️ 😂

  2. For people who don’t know. He says that because he was bio engineered to defeat Stars. In the process of him being made umbrella Corp showed him pictures of stars members to track them down and kill them.

  3. I'm disappointed he doesn't say it more often because you know, it was his iconic saying. Yada yada lore blah blah. Don't care. I want to hear him saying it more often because it cool as fuck.


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