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Hey all it’s PotatoDredge here I hope you’re well.

Yes I’m a potato and I forget what happens during the game… ALL explained in the video!
But either way.. don’t take protection hits then complain about being tunnelled.
And maybe run away from a locker vs the dredge… just saying o_o

Gameplay 1 (0:00)
Gameplay 2 (7:54)

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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer



  1. I don’t believe in following any specific set of rules, I think the jokes about the survivor rule book are hilarious, but I also think it’s to be expected that someone is going to be upset at being clearly tunneled. The Bill didn’t have a single second to breathe between hook 1 and hook 3 and that can be super unfun. It’s not anyones job to cater to another players enjoyment, and so it’s not like you did something wrong, but neither should we fault the player for being upset that their game felt ruined. If he started throwing slurs or something at you, that’s another story, I think this is just a guy that’s a little upset at feeling targeted

  2. Tunnel if you want don’t give two shits about the rule book and play the game you want to play it, don’t let stupid people that made up a rule book get in your head they just want to bully killers

  3. Spud shouldn’t take away the names of the survivors on screen; if he’s just gonna have them shown in end game chat. There’s no point. I was wondering who said “instant tunneled twice”

  4. That was remarkably far from being a tunnel…Not that I care. I'm about to start trying it. It's been years since I have. Don't know if it's still effective against meta sweat teams.

  5. My philosophy is I play as 'sweaty' as I think it takes to win. Am I playing Nurse against average survivors? I'll probably deliberately pick up people I shouldn't and leave hooks unguarded. Am I playing my girl Sadako against some genrushers? Expect to spend a lot of time on the ground or managing your Condemned meter. Why play 'sweaty' then? Well it feels satisfying to pull a victory off with a limited kit. It's an underdog story, a masterpiece made with a limited palette! It's quite enjoyable to me.

    No I haven't played Getting Over It.
    No I'm not that much of a masochist.

  6. Honestly, idc who I go after. If it's the person off the hook I see first, I hook them again. I don't try to tunnel usually, but if it happens, it happens.

    However, if they purposely take a bt hit while I'm trying to go for someone, I will totally tunnel. I figure, they're asking for the attention so I'll give it to them.

  7. Nah that first game was definitely a tunnel, was already in a chase and got a hit but as soon as they got unhooked you went back for them. They weren't farmed infront of you, you werent there tell after the unhook and just cuz you chase someone else doesn't mean you didn't tunnel them. You can call it pressure or whatever you want but it was a tunnel and the survivor understandably salty

  8. Legion, I'm usually with you. But, that was a tunnel on the Claudette in game 1. You clearly broke chase to go back to the hook. You had already stated that they didn't have DS. So, your intent was to tunnel that person out of the game. Otherwise, you would've continued chase. Tunneling is a strategy, and you used it to your advantage. I'm just glad I wasn't Claudette. 🤣🤣

  9. Two lovers forbidden from one another a war divides their people and a mountain divides them apart, build a path to be together.

    (Yeah I forgot the next couples of lines but then it goes)

    Secret tunnel, secret tunnel through the mountain secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! oh yeah!

  10. agreed, imo once the survivor starts doing things to progress or hinder the killer's game like healing other players, doing gens, body blocking, they can't complain about getting tunneled anymore.

  11. Literally clicked on the video because I thought you had the Dredge event cosmetic and I was salty about it. >_> Keep doing the lord's work, making these survivors wish they played Minecraft or something

  12. Even as a survivor I hate when unhooked teammates purposefully take aggro just so they can get hit with BT and force the killer to eat their DS. Not only did you just waste DS just because you wanted to use it on your first hook, but you also just put a big target on your back so the killer can use your dumb play and get you out of the game much quicker.

  13. as a survivor main i dont get people that get mad when they are literally trying to body block the killer who is trying to go for the other survivor.. if u don't want to be tunneled just fcking go away. Don't be mad when u are literally standing in front of killer and expect him to ignore you… zero IQ xD

  14. She wasn’t farmed in front of you, you Hit Yun-Jin and had a guaranteed down but went back for Claudette. No need for excuses, you just wanted her out lol

  15. I've played as both a survivor and a killer, and I can safely say that I run into more toxic survivors and SWFs than I do killers. Also, playing both sides helped me identify what perks and/or add-ons a killer was using as a survivor, which made the game more fun overall for me.

  16. I play both sides, but I mostly play survivor. When I began playing DBD I would get mad when I was tunneled or camped. As I started playing more and started playing killer, it's all fair game except cheating hacks of course. If i get tunneled it's not fun, but the killer can play however they want. Same with camping. At that point I just try to stay alive on hook as long as possible to waste the killers time. Play how you want is my outlook now.

  17. I understand yall will be like ooooh thats not tunneling blah blah blah but like the Mikaela and the bill beuh. Why go after them when they just got off hook?? In some sort of way that kinda is tunneling bruh. I understand that you didn't tunneling them outta the game right away but still it's kinda stupid going after the person who just gets off the hook like maybe go for the person who saved?? Instead of that idk. Juststupid bruh.

  18. You know when I was a survivor main I used to complain about everything a killer does until I started playing them then I saw just how equally shitty survivors can be if not worse. They have SO many rules how you have to play against them but they can do whatever they want. And imma say it rn IF YOU PLAY SWF YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY AT AN ADVANTAGE OVER A KILLER. It’s a video game get over it. Once you stop giving a shit the game gets way more fun. This game used to literally effect my mental health then I stopped caring and played how I want too and honestly like I said once I played killer my perspective changed. Now I can care less if I’m toxic or if they are toxic(killers when I’m survivor) cause tbh survivors are worse and WAY more toxic and this is coming from an ex survivor main. Like ALL I played was survivor. And dwight at that so I got tunneled every game. And the ones who disagree either never played killer or are more heavy survivor main. One thing I will say is nerf noed. But there’s ways around it I’m just trying to be nice and say nerf it. I don’t even use noed and I play every killer even if I absolutely suck with them I don’t use it. Thanks for coming my TED talk☺️


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