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playing spirit at max mmr on dead by daylight
#dbd #deadbydaylight #spirit #mmr #tru3 #tru3ta1ent
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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
playing spirit at max mmr on dead by daylight
#dbd #deadbydaylight #spirit #mmr #tru3 #tru3ta1ent
Try to get every advantage they can get before the match has even started – proceed to get shat on in 2 minutes and rage quit.. Sounds about right.
The way how the kid in the thumbnail says Spireh reminds me of how in the Attack on Titan Japanese dub, Mikasa would pronounce Eren’s name as Ereh
MDR+DCB spirit is op tho
anything else apart from these two add-ons is perfectly fine in my option as she gets punished hard for missing a phase. Especially in the higher mmrs
That combo makes her a heat seeking missile lol
BHVR has created this survivor behavior of infantile entitlement by their killer nerfs, boons, and indifference to the cause and effect.
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Your running a bs add on combo I dont blame them for quitting lol such a boring combo
those damn survivorts
tbh those addons are very powerful, as you can see in chases
and her other addons are very weak, there's no in between
I almost feel bad for them, but seeing as they're using meta perks themselves + farm map I see no reason why they'd just give up like that, unless they just wanted to have an ez game. If they can use strong shit, so can the killer
Man i miss the old dbd where everybody can have fun
Survivors : Always and forever !
I like thumbnail 😁
Otz's Law: if there is a map offering, the first survivor to dc will be the one who brought the offering
Otz law applied here again lmao
Spirit with this pair of addon is almost stronger than pre nerf. Almost.
Hey at least you can play her still in high mmr. I can not. At least not since the severe nerf that she got. Where survivors can tell exactly where you are at all times. I know she can still be a good killer but against survivors that are paying attention she is terrible.
Spirit too OP with these addons.