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In this DBD video we’re going to review some killer ideas for the upcoming release of Vecna from DnD. This is not the actual killer power but we’re just having some fun and reviewing community concepts for what it might be.
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i saw people making dlcs and ingame power few months back
a new choy video we eating boys.
Some nice clickbait
As cool as Dracula is from Castlevania. Do we really need a licensed version of a vampire? I was really hoping for an original version of a vampire tbh 😅
Thought it would be a mind flayer
"Your eagerness to kill everyone increases as you see the survivors trying to escape."
For each generator is repaired, your movement speed increases by 1.5% up to a total of 7.5%. When the game colapse begins, this perk deactivates.
I like the idea of collecting the eye and hand as magical artifacts. Just gotta tweak the benefits. Maybe instead of affecting movement speed, having the artifacts unlocks tier 2 and tier 3 of his power. The power at tier 1 reveals auras, tier 2 reveals auras and inflicts some status effect, and tier 3 does damage as well as the previous two tiers.
If a player collects the eye, they can hit the active ability button to reveal Vecna's aura as well as the aura of other survivors like a strong key. Call it "detect good and evil."
Survivors collecting the hand of Vecna instead get "Counterspell" where they can stun the killer out while he is using his power. (Normal stun duration not twice as long as a pallet that is crazy).
Those are the tweaks I would make to the Dnd version. That and make the perks stronger. All 3 seem weak.
Vecna would be a terrible idea. He's a literal god, using him would be a disservice to his character
I would prefer if it was a Mind Flayer.
honestly, you can toss ANY sort of killer in the game and while it does give the serotonin release for a grand total of two weeks, we need game modes, changes to the fundamental game just as much as this. (Not trying to be a buzz kill, rather say things as they are and put emphasis on changing the foundation is so much more important.)
it would be pretty funny if it's original character for the new chapter.I still really want lady dimitrescu and Frank Horrigan maybe one day I'll get one of them in dbd.
Who knows, it might not be Vecna. It could be Strad or some other powerful DnD villain.
The most important bit of lore you need to know about Vecna is that he wasn't a fully-fledged character in DnD for a looong time. Vecna's Hand and Eye were artifacts players could find that alluded to his existence but that was it. He was named after a friend of Gary Gygax (whose name was Vance – scramble that and you get Vecna) and because players took an interest in these artifacts, he was eventually realised as a proper character. This year's DnD anniversary is celebrating the release of an entire adventure centered around Vecna the Archlich.
BTW hex mysanthropy on nurse 😉
Makes me a little sad I didn't update my Stranger Things concept in time, or have it on my website yet, so it's a bit outdated haha. Thanks for the shout out!
I’m so hype for Dracula to come after this, hopefully we have more classic monsters too. Eventually having the creature and the mummy would be insane.
I know it's going to be Vecna, I'd rather have a dragon.
As for the ideas, I think they'd all work better if the DBD community wasn't so ass.
I'd laugh if we get Strahd instead
It fits in more lorewise as well
Funnily enough, none of this gets me hype. With all the changes coming up for killers and gen regression perks being nerfed to oblivion.
Honestly, as a long time dnd player i beg it isn't Vecna, cool character and all but there are so many other unique DnD Villains that would better show off dnd. If Vecna Is the killer i fear people will take it as another "Stranger Things killer" and not as a "DnD killer". Love the Crossover tho
I hope that dbd doesn't pull a gta 5 or Nintendo and find that leaker or hacker and sues them for leaking
So if you go by the actual trailer thats not vecna slamming into the gate it is a beholder
Doing dread chime after possession means u go to the gate right under the person u possessed so every 35 seconds u can tp to someone?
Ngl, Wish we could play as the zombie beholder, seems a bit cooler to me. But this is still awesome.
Harley Quinn?
Only the first one feels like someone who's an actual DBD player made it. The rest are just some killer player power fantasy with horrible balancing and crazy perk concepts.