I Finished Dead by Daylight's Hardest Challenge

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you cant even do this anymore


35 thoughts on “I Finished Dead by Daylight's Hardest Challenge”

  1. Yeah, the adept killer achievements have been fucked pretty much forever. It would be like making the adept survivor achievements also requiring all of your teammates to escape as well with how out of your control it is.

  2. Had a match two days ago where I tried to get adept huntress. There was a nea with a flashlight that tried to get a save on my first down who wasted the entire flashlight and couldn’t blind me because I was looking down. They were still within m1 range after I finished the hooking animation and they DCed as soon as I downed them. I was close enough that game that had they waited to DC after I put them on a hook I’d have gotten my adept. It’s frustrating that people DC and kill themselves on hook unless you’re actively throwing the game

  3. I remember doing the Plague Adept years ago and getting a "ruthless Killer" because I was missing 2 pixels in the chaser emblem.
    It was literally thinner than my fingernail and oh boy was it frustrating.

  4. Twins is definitely not for everyone, I can understand someone hating playing them. They are clunky and extremely punishing to the player if they screw up.

    RPD is one of their best maps, good job taking advantage of that here.

    Also man people DC or suicide on hook in like 75% of my matches now, it's so bad.

  5. Yes, you hurting yourself when you did not need to makes you a "God gamer". I understand wanting to challenge yourself but there are limits when it goes from "challenge" to "self torture".

    18:44 I guess I should play more Leon then.

    That was a healing build alright.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  6. I think the adept achievements prove that BHVR knew nothing about this game's balance when it released. They actually thought that surviving as a survivor was the same difficulty as getting a merciless killer. lmao

  7. People that already had all of the trophies/achievements done: O_O ok.

    I just got done with the stupid new trophy that was introduced with Wesker. Open the exit gates 20 times and escape on the RPD map. Did this twice for both the PS4 and the PS5 stacks. So imagine all of the map offerings, all of the DCs from randoms who refused to play, or survivors that killed themselves on purpose, or killers that played as scummy as possible out of spite for being brought to the map, or playing PERFECTLY and someone else opening the exit gate before you could.

    At least 30 million bloodpoints sacrificed, over 200 attempts, and lots and lots of salt. All for 1 trophy (technically 2). The only good thing that came out of the ordeal was that I 100% knew the map layout.

    Then there is the 100 downs with huntress hatchets further than… 24 meters? 32 meters? Either way, that's a doozy unless ya farm it.

    Tldr; I fear no adept. But RPD… it scares me.

  8. I got every killer adept within my 1st game of trying up to twins. Every other killer adept I immediately go for when the dlc drops and I get it within the first few games (I only come back to get adepts so my rank is usually low). Haven't got Knight yet but I've only gone for one attempt. I did get screwed over a few times by DCs even with dc penalties but tbf because I was low rank I got merciless a couple times even with the dc.

  9. Back when I did all my adepts(all killers through Trickster), I did it at rank 1 and my solution was to just play M1 only, and use the best addons to help that. Didn't matter the killer, pretty much entirely M1 only and I tracked hook states to make sure I got 12. Only one that really gave me trouble was meyers cuz people would just DC on chase for some reason. Got super unlucky with like 5 or 6 10-hook + DC games that drove me mad.

  10. I agree it’s one of the hardest things to do for sure. I did the same thing on an alt console back when dredge came out, got to iri rank, didn’t use map offerings, didn’t tunnel much other than like the 2 or 3 hardest killers and to me the 3 hardest killers for no reason whatsoever for me was plague, errr well actually yea that was it for the hardest. I have all the adepts on ps4, ps5, and for that challenge all on iri rank I did it on Xbox series x. What I thought was harder and more BS are the two RPD achievements, at launch there was an RPD achievement that was repair the middle gen and escape. So sure that sounds easy but for some reason it has to be the gen that would spawn near the receptionist desk if you got the one near the statue it just wouldn’t count for no reason at all so automatically it’s impossible in that game you’re in. For some reason also, the hatch was bugged and wouldn’t let you use it sometimes, and you know the biggest kicker? You couldn’t even get the achievement by going through hatch it was bugged so you HAD to go through an exit gate, so after winning through hatch and not getting it felt terrible. The other BS one is the one that came with the wesker dlc where you have to open 20 gates in RPD and escape, sounds simple enough, but yknow RPD can be a BS map or you get a killer that chooses to camp you or you get bad solo queue teammates so many factors that unless you want to spend a long ass time getting it naturally, you have to deal with playing RPD like 40-50 times in a row like I did to get the achievement. Either solo queue or half the time with 1 friend. Man that was so much BS as well imagine playing RPD that much, I literally quit dbd for a month after that cuz RPD does nam shit to a man


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