Don't Play Like STREAMERS Do | Dead by Daylight

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#dbdshorts #commentary #rant

Video Song: Beach Bum by White Bat Audio
Ending Song: FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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15 thoughts on “Don't Play Like STREAMERS Do | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I mean I do not stream nor do I try to play as much as streamers but I put a lot of time in my games but also buy maybe 1 game every 3-5 years. People watch streamers and think all they need to do to be good is to play a specific way or to play using specific builds. I know your not shaming people that just play a lot but I am just a bit butt hurt myself cuz I dont have a life and games are my escape from the hell that is my life. I have actually thought about streaming because I already spend the time playing but I decided I am not good enough or unique enough for people to enjoy watching. I just want to have fun and escape when I play and consider myself a causal player I just play a lot. :S ❤

  2. DbD is weird. It's the most competitive non-competative game I've ever played. It says it is not a serious E-sports-esque game, but so many people play it that way. Almost nobody plays casually. Makes me despise competitive games these days.

    If DbD didn't have so many horror icons and licensed properties, I'd just quit. My girlfriend also loves it so I play it to spend time with her

  3. This game isn't that hard though. It doesn't take anywhere near 5-10k hours to be winning all the time. People just suck. It seems like they never get any better at the game. I'm very casual on this game and I have a phenomenal match every time.

  4. What could go wrong if 95% of the US population wants to be a twitch streamer, influencer, tiktocker, youtuber, or only fans model? You get a massive decline in society and mental health. Modern gaming culture is cancer.

  5. This is video is just so true about how most players play and feel about DBD so many play like you have to win every match or you have to keep playing even if your having a bad time I have never played another game with these kind of issues.

  6. I enjoy going after killer rift challenges when they are realistic for my abilities. Survivor challenges when I can find players to swf with this old guy. I play for fun and don’t usually run the meta perks. I can get totally spanked as killer and still have fun, can’t say the same for survivor. I also stream and expect no one to watch, it’s more like having a dash cam on your car. There just in case, but in case of what I have no idea…lol Vid is totally on point.

  7. Even content creators (like myself) play DBD now a bit and be like "Alright, time to switch games." when they have a lot of hours in the game, and they too say the same thing Bran just did. "You dont have to play like me, play it for you and how you have fun".


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