These TOXIC SURVIVORS RAGE In My MESSAGES!! | Dead by Daylight

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25 thoughts on “These TOXIC SURVIVORS RAGE In My MESSAGES!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. DO NOT ATTACK THE STREAMER!! He handled it well and even said “GGWP” in the end. His chat saying “he didn’t deserve the 4k” and stuff like that is where I had the issue with, but even he said “It is what it is”, which is a solid response tbh.

  2. I remember when I was new at the game and someone said "ggs the game wouldve been fun if you didnt tunnel" I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCM THAT EVEN MEANT

  3. Every time I play fair as killer, don’t tunnel or camp I get t bagged and survs stall at the gates. If I farm and get everyone to 2 hooks and purposely don’t kill them I get tbagged and gg ez in endgame chat. They literally want you to handfeed them the win and then take their abuse and be happy about it. It’s psychotic behavior. Might as well play how you want and go for 4ks.

  4. How dare you go back to hook as Killer to kill your opponent? Like bro if you get unhooked RUN do something. These mfs healing under hook against a trapper in a trapped area like you're supposed to politely let them go.

  5. I just got a 3K as Wesker at the survivors map of choice Dead Dawg Saloon. The PC surv said I was a noob because I camped the last hook to secure a 3K. I just said "You got PWNED buddy" and moved on. I used 0 gen regress/slowdown/block perks. Don't give this entitlement any attention.

  6. Let’s make a rule book for survivors then since they have one for killers
    I’ll start it
    1- no having the same multiple perks examples(dead hard and DS)
    2- no more then 3 flash light saves a game (since we can’t tunnel)
    3- no delaying your down
    Examples (the animation bug of waving when you get hit where it does tht animation besides actually falling down the running into a locker when you are hit because it takes longer and lastly no running to the corners)
    4- quit dieing on pallets
    5- let’s get rid of comms on discord and make it proxy chat ez then let see how the game changes 🤷🏼‍♂️

  7. Pay the griefers no mind QK. Toxic communities getting stronger in a lot of games recently. Keep doing what you do and securing that W by any means necessary. 👊👊👊

  8. My knowledge of "camping" and "tunneling" is that if a person is high priority or a problem, lock them down. If it stops them from winning, you do that. It's the strategy of other games like LoL or other team based games. It's a way to win whether you like it or not, or whether it's fun or not. Getting so mad you just start fuming is not the way to go, but the DBD community hasn't caught on yet.

  9. I’ve run into more toxic survivors than killers. Killers have better sportsmanship by far. There is a guarantee I’ll get a survivor to dc on the first down or hook each game lol

  10. I love your content, i really do coz I want to be a good Trapper main, but I see the reason of so many things happening in this game in your complains.

  11. You should try DBD Mobile for a while. It’s better overall game play, and the community is better, imo. Quick matches are great fun, as players don’t have to worry about losing pips, so they tend to play more risky.


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