The Ghost Face Chapter: A Dead by Daylight Retrospective

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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d do something a little different and look back into how the game has developed throughout the years, with a series of retrospective videos on each chapter. Looking at how the chapter influenced the game, and what it fundamentally brought to it and if it has had any form of lasting effect to this day.

Chapter XXI is a Hellraiser one! The DLC is currently out and features the new killer, The Cenobite, or Pinhead. This is, however, the only content that seems to be releasing with the chapter.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Feels – Patrick Patrikios

Hope you enjoy!
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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):

@Morf_UK Ghost Face leak:
GameUp (YouTube) Ghost Face’s old mori video:

Intro 0:00
The Reveal 1:34
The Leak 2:56
The Lore 3:21
The Design 4:37
The PTB 6:58
The Release 9:03
The Review 10:52
Outro 12:11


35 thoughts on “The Ghost Face Chapter: A Dead by Daylight Retrospective”

  1. Помню как представлял каким мог бы быть уникальным геймплей за него, и карта из фильма, то что в есть сейчас в игре, откровенная скукота

  2. Honestly i hate him…. i generally hate expose mechanics because i find them quite cheap to use. What i hate about ghost face specifically is that most of the time i run into him as a survivor they are the most toxic players there are.

  3. I thought we were going to get a full chapter with obv ghost face but also the cashier or one of the characters from the franchise. Oh yeah and the map was going to be a mini mall! that was my guess.

  4. I remember a match from last week. I played with my brother as survivor against Michael Myers on the Doctor Map (forgot the name). He had an addon where he couldnt progress the stalking (so he was in Tier 1 the whole trial) but see the auras of survivors while using it. He got us all but damn this game was fun. Definitely a lot of jumpscares.

  5. I like his strategies for stalking victims and the calculations of it all, it's scary that serial killers like him could smile in your face during the day and you'd never know! Added in that he is most likely good looking too 😭

  6. As a Ghostface fan I was very underwhelmed about his initial state, but then when they reworked and released him, he became one of my favourite killers. To this day, I main Ghostface and I basically don't play any other killer because he is just so fun.

  7. Here’s a video idea I’d like to see you cover: which killer is the biggest threat realistically, if you were put into one of these trials as yourself, which killer would have the easiest time killing you?

  8. It’s a real shame there’s not enough ghost faces out there when us good ghost faces play survivor and we play against ghost face it can be really boring and I understand why people don’t like him or don’t buy him. Guys if you like a really hard but rewarding challenge try ghost face.

  9. I love ghostface, never played him nor do I own him but I’ve either laughed my ass off from seeing him round the corner on my friend in customs or having a nice interaction and vibing the whole game

  10. im all ears actually dirst only revealed auras of survivors who did fast actions if they were atleast a certain distance from the killer (think it was like 40 meter or something), making it a useless perk, the buff to what it is now was a good one, sad they decided coupe needed a nerf


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