I had a Dwight literally screaming over the Discord call “JUST GO, LEAVE ME, FLEE, RUN YOU FOOLS”
We fought as a team to save him, Dwight saved all of us, TWICE each, body blocked any time he could, looped as long as he could and ultimately gave anything he had to protect us, and when the time came for us to save him, no one hesitated, the killer looked kinda scared when he saw three survivors running at him like “WE AREN’T AFRAID”
Ultimately saved Dwight by body blocking and flashlight blinds, we did it TOGETHER
He's the streetwise Hercules.
Bruh moment
Love all your vids!! Do you streaming?
A soul for a soul.
Everyone needs a hero
When will you do a voice reveal?
Make your choice 2.0
The adrenaline got to him
Trapper's just: Oh okay.
The entire first half of the plot of Disney's Hercules.
I had a Dwight literally screaming over the Discord call “JUST GO, LEAVE ME, FLEE, RUN YOU FOOLS”
We fought as a team to save him, Dwight saved all of us, TWICE each, body blocked any time he could, looped as long as he could and ultimately gave anything he had to protect us, and when the time came for us to save him, no one hesitated, the killer looked kinda scared when he saw three survivors running at him like “WE AREN’T AFRAID”
Ultimately saved Dwight by body blocking and flashlight blinds, we did it TOGETHER
Was he so excited that he didn't know what he was doing or what? XD
Poor Dwight, he just wanted to be the hero for once lol
Isn’t he more of a hero he sacrificed himself to save her
Omg the way Meg tries to save him at the end breaks my heart ;-;