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40 thoughts on “ENJOY THIS BUILD WHILE YOU CAN! SERIOUSLY! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. As a legion main, this build feels too good to be true. The question for the devs would be does this build have an acceptable level of counterplay, is it so good that there's no point in running anything else?

  2. I honestly cannot see these add ons getting nerfed more specific the yellow add on cause you should never ever waste a pallet on legion while in frenzy it’s such a waste especially how they buffed his so every time he fatigues, the cool down immediately starts but if the devs do nerf this their outta their mind.

  3. I would say really old moon-walking legion or old franks mix tape legion was way stronger than this and playing against it now would be what normal M1 killer is to survivors now

  4. I really dont see the point of nerfing "this build" … The 'setup' is designed to chase, to keep hunting surv's, there's alot of counter plays for that, once u see him vault-breaking pallet's or with spirit fury u kind know which build Legion's prob running so u just counter it doing gen's :~ Nurse's way more oppressive than Legion in soooooo many level's

  5. Imagine if this guy played a game he enjoyed instead of being a passive aggressive douche every moment he forces himself to play it. Do yourself a favor and find something you like, kiddo.

  6. I swear if they nerf legion I swear to god I ain’t ever playing dis game ever again and survivor mains wonder why they go against the same damn killers every match

  7. I’m curious what True thinks about the appropriate impact of a team working well together should have on a match. It seems like he believes solid and efficient group play should always fail against a good killer. It gives the impression that True feels that the “one” should never lose to the “four”. The power role should 4K nearly every game, regardless of the survivor’s skill. Maybe DBD would be a better game if only 10% of the time, survivors escaped. I’m not sure.

  8. If at least one survivor is spread out, and nobody finishes their mend before Legion's Frenzy is over, it's impossible for him to get an insta down. If they nerf this when there's such obvious counterplay, that would be a real shame.

  9. I'll believe that once Alchemist Ring gets a nerf too, an add-on that only requires you to get hits on a high tier killer while this one needs stuns from pallets or in rare cases head-on/blast mine while in Frenzy and survivors still haven't learnt that you should only waste pallets on Legion when they are on their 5th hit, it'll be fine.

  10. imagine if they ever actually make this game balanced all the killers will look like they just came out of a hyperbolic time chamber after all the unfair BS they've had to deal with over the years.

  11. No your dumb making shit up NERF
    Legion your a shit stream then someone gives you money oh thank you God bless yah but in reality you don't even give a fuck about your subs all in it for the money get a real job not just setting Down your ass all day lazy ass hole you have no hair egg head that's why you keep on wearing hat on 😂😂 loser
    No it's not going to get nerfed
    NERF your said life and get hair cut oh wait you have a egg head 😂😂😂😂

  12. After playing against Legion I don't see this as a problem. I can see Legion getting nerfed cause When ever I load into a game. The first person down just kills themselves on hook right away. After the 8th game in a row like this, I wanted to DC on Legion too. Also since you can't give any player in DBD any kind of power without them loosing their minds the Legion would 3 man slug to assert dominance. None of it is actually Legion being amazing, just players being shit heads.

  13. Strong build, for a majority of the game someone was on hook, all gens still done and last opens the door. It honestly seems pretty fair at this level, with some practice survivors can get used to dealing with it but instead the lower levels will complain about it. Unlike pinky finger clown you can't cheesey face camp with this build.

  14. “Actually scary build”, “you can’t bully him” – with all due respect tru3, legion is m1 and you are playing a no gen defense build. If you think that’s viable at the top level or will somehow resist bullying, you are being a little naive.


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