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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty
Bit of a plague
Bloodeh baby killa campin a free Gen
"I'm not entitled, I have a killer main friend"
There is always a reason to cry…
The thumbnail, bwahahaha 😀 Tru3, you should DC on them, you know)))00
Well, one time he did that, so he's right
I hope that pos nea sees this video
Your chat end game is getting stronger for sure… but I feel like you're still trying to have a rational conversation with someone who's clearly not rational nor trying to have a conversation. "Salty?" was fantastic. Remember – in the end game of trolling, the one who types less wins. My favorite responses to basically anything they type are: "But I won", "You sound mad." "You whine a lot." "Mad cause bad?" "You lost stop crying." And always a classic follow up to any of these "QQ :(" Can't get blood from a stone and it drives them nuts.
How can anyone complain about a 3 gen when you have no gen defense lmao boggles the mind
Why do survs think you should play the way they want you to? That's stupid. I don't get it at all. You're a hunter, not some circus animal to bring them joy and fun. 🙂
According to the videos and experience. Good Swfs Kneel and cry against Tru3
Nea: I take this game serious.
Saying that to a guy who makes a living playing the game and telling you how cringe you are is another level of burn.
*Misspells entitled, still censored
*Misspells again, not censored
*Survivor types entitled not misspelled, not censored
actual 3-gen camping at the start vs competent survivors = prepare to lose 4 gens in 2 minutes as you've ceded them all
survivor-biased language is always very stretchy though, it expands to fit whatever their victimhood state is at the time
Nea needs to accept the reality. She got used to hand me down wins that her mmr doesn't match her skill level
That's why she is whining against a plague with this build lol. If anything, Nea is very delusional.
Solo q players are ruined by farming killers and those "only hooks, no kills" which boost these survivors MMR until they face better players that they have no chance to win against.
Stop taking charity wins. If anything, you are screwing yourself when you have no skills or talent to play against those players.
That's exactly why Nea here is whining "Op killer .. bad gameplay .. sad … tunneleh ..etc" lol ..
She can't accept the reality: she is bad as a survivor or her team are bad .. but Nea wants the killer to stop and be nice for her to get the escape! How could you ask her to improve or change .. notice her mistakes? Are you kidding? She is the perfect survivor! So skilled .. she can moonwalk! :3
Why is it always the Nea's? I had a Nea rage on me yesterday for plaything/pentimento as well. She called it the "second most meta build" lmao.
Vomiting on someone and they make the sick animation and stuff and you see they arent sick is very annoying. Wish there was some kind of fix for it since its supposedly server sided
He’s so bad lmao
I hope if I ever do play on pc I don't ever get paired with you as the killer cuzz I know I'll lose but I'll still try to win
"Because they can actually attack your 3 gens"
I would have said: Yeah attack, but not finish, tho. I finish in your face xD.
To alk those who actually DC against good swfs don't you worry there is no point playing a game that you WILL LOSE every good swf that plays the game is on an escape streak that's probably over 100 well the game itself is on the winstreak cause survivors don't win games perks and maps win games
Kinda glad console doesn’t have post game chat lol
"If you take it serious, work on your skills" That was a fucking good line I can't lie