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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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My boi Trickster
I liked this video even though I dislike this killer. Weaker Huntress. 🤷🏻♂️
I believe survivors do get a movement speed ramp when they go from healthy to injured via laceration
Trickster all day
He's a lot of fun, I enjoy him and his flair. But it feels like they dropped the ball in a lot of ways. I'm not against playing fun-but-bad, but he feels borderline useless.
2:40 They actually DO get speed boost if they get damage by knifes
He is just like any other killer; VERY STRONG IN THE RIGHT HANDS
0:40 huntress actually has 20m heartbeat which isn't the same as trickster
2:40 they do get speed boost from getting injured
G'day mate, love UrMomma 1967😘
@fungoose when do you stream dead by daylight? But I do enjoy your other game I believe it’s league of legends???
Alrighty back and welcome guys
Doesn't Huntress actually have a 20m TR?
16 Hits to down a Surv…
case closed
Correction: they do gain the injured movement speed. The killer doesn't gain the attack cooldown slowdown though so it is advantages
star struck with infectiuos fright to help know if anyone is already in your terror radius before picking up a survivor?