Intense Pig Match Leads To Some SALT? | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with an intense Pig match that I had. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

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18 thoughts on “Intense Pig Match Leads To Some SALT? | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Did you really not understand what nea was saying? She had to work around cause that would have been censored for sure 😂 I’m surprised I got that right away, English isn‘t my first language.

  2. I have a request for u can u make a plague video with ur most powerful build on her im new playing her (im a survivor main) and i wanna learn some trick and what's the best build and trick u got when u play her😅

  3. As a main survivor “embarrassing to say” playing occasionally … i dont like playing as first person cam… anyway… that Ellen “who died from 1 hook 😂😂😂” i see many survivors like her, killer leave them in chase twice and they get overconfident and a bit delusional 😂…. I watch them play while i try to do gens and i knew their end “maybe with salt” 😂


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