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I have yet to see him play against actual good survivers smh…
I played wraith once after the update. He was one of my favorites now I dont want to play him anymore. Good job devs
Wraith feels like you legitimately need them to run toward you at times just to barley get a hit.
DBD has one of the worse dev teams ever how can u just neglect half of a game. U need killers and survivors for the game to work but playin killer is so annoying I almost only play survivor. I’ve been playin since the game was released on console. I considered myself a killer main for a long time but now I barely play killer because I don’t feel like getting pissed
Don’t worry True. I’m sure they will start locking powerful killer abilities behind NFTs.
Meanwhile other content creators are saying, “these killer nerfs are great!” Fuck all the people who actually try in the game I guess.
So I get back into dbd and learning nurse and I have to deal with boon totems which I already hate, more killers nerfed, bhvr think they did a really good job so far. BHVR must dislike killer mains
They should at least give us extra bps for putting up with this shit
It took 1m24s just to get a hit.
This is what the devs want.
And this nerf makes it to where if a killer wants a win, they need to 1 hook survivors with ruin.
Edit:1st down 2m38s, in the this time frame, if the survivors wanted to, there could be 3 gens done by now.
I honestly felt like Deathslinger should have gotten something to balance our aiming slowly
From garbage tier to straight up unplayable💀
"Uncloaking speed boost duration reduced to 1 seconds (was 1.25 seconds)
Add-on – All Seeing: Blood: Aura reveal range decreased to 8 meters (was 12 meters)"
Tru3 what are you on about mate they didn't change Wraiths unclocking speed lmao. You complain all game about it while using the strongest add on and it hasn't changed a bit.
When I started playing DbD, I only played killer. Recently I gave playing survivor a try and it's so relaxing compared to killer.
Imagine playing a horror game because it's relaxing. It's nice and all, but it shouldn't be this way.
Killers should have a 5th perk slot.
And to think they have still not rework the Haddonfield and BackWater Maps…
The update where we nerf killers that are ok and not the strongest………oh and lets buff blight 😐
Another killer bites the dust… ba da bum bum bum another one gone and another one gone and another killer bites the dust.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results : Killer mains right now. F**k DBD NFT
This patch is garbage
I have to protect gen , chase survivors and try to protect MY HEX totem /cleans survivors hex again And again and AGAIN .and protect my hook 🪝 and deal with 4 ds and adrenaline ….
Imma Head Out 🚪🚶🏽♂️
good luck
fellow main killers
Wraith: Is underpowered since the game's launch.
Devs: Buff Wraith
Wraith: Can now get 2 Hooks
Devs: Yeah he's OP.
Wait i haven’t played DBD in like 2 months why tf would they nerf wraith??
Anyone who still play this game is either a survivor main or a masochist.
Im still question why wraith even got nerfed. What goes through BHVR heads when they nerf killer im actually lost.
Is it just me or are the lunges shorter, I noticed it in this vid and when I was playing demogorgon.
Can someone please tell me what is the nerf for Wraith?
And devs wonder why ppl don't play Killer so often.
Time for tru3 to find a new game?