So, about the Decisive Strike buff… | Dead by Daylight

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Decisive Strike is apparently getting a sizeable buff in the next PTB! In this video I provide some context about this change and explain why I’m afraid that it might end up hurting the game in the long term.

0:00 Decisive gets a buff!
1:14 Why did tunneling get worse?
2:25 Who benefits from this?
5:58 Is it a healthy change?



27 thoughts on “So, about the Decisive Strike buff… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm not the one to say that getting a perk changed is your doing, but if Decisive is nerfed after the PTB, I'm actually gonna be really fucking disappointed

  2. seems pretty obvious why they didnt make it a normal perk… they want money. all the common perks are dogshit only resilience is good. having good perks on licensed chars makes people buy them, thats the reason for some of my purchases aswell

  3. The game has had a huge, just huge balance problem for a very long time. And not even for a killer-survivor, but just a killer-killer. Some can kill an entire team in a minute and not even break a sweat, while others have been setting traps for 30 years, which they will simply discharge later for nothing.

    The developer has long needed to create the simplest thing – Classes for killers. Or something similar to finally break them into groups. Those that are fast and ignore most of the mechanics in pursuit – let them receive all the stuns and blindness.

    Those that are slow and huge and loud – let them only receive slowdowns, or some kind of buffs that will speed them up after receiving the stun. Etc.

    This would make the game much more colorful and deepen the balance adjustments. Some killers would leave the effect of eternal jumpscares, appearing out of nowhere, others, like trains, would simply demolish everything, but would be much (like they are now, lol) slower than the super fast killers.

    The game would be a game, and not just a competition to jerk off the most convenient and powerful perks.

  4. I see a huge misconception here. absolutely there are better things behavior could be doing to combat tunneling. however, that is their goal with this change: to combat tunneling. so, this makes it harder to do that. they do not (and should not) care about the balancing behind making it harder to tunnel. "now its impossible to add more anti-tunnel" no its not, they want to discourage tunneling so they can easily add more. that is the point, to make it unnattractive. "it punishes weaker killers" then dont tunnel, again that is the WHOLE point, to make it a bad choice to tunnel. dont tunnel, and you will make survivors waste their perk slot

  5. Adrenaline is in the same boat, sure it’s weaker now. But the people who are effected by it the most, are uncoordinated solo q players. A swf, could pretty easily delay a gen pop, until they got the unhook. It makes it especially frustrating, when the devs have said we won’t be getting things like the ability to see teammates perks, and other solo q buffs, for years(or ever). It seems the devs almost always choose the bandaid fix, over actually improving the balance.

  6. Most of the killers I meet are already running with pain/pop/grim so I don’t see how that’s gonna be changed as it seems to already be the meta.

    It is sad that the decisive is locked behind a dlc in regard to newer players :/. I think your suggestion to remake an existing common perk would be the ideal solution there.

  7. You could have anti tunneling base kit where if someone recently was on hook and goes down they get covered by the entity’s claws for a few seconds who holds them to the ground

    (I’m ver biased my build is centered around no mither)

  8. I agree with u and u are one of the few people that acctualy has a good idea of changing perks, characters etc, they are just lazy. instead buff the 3 least used perks decicive strike didnt need a change.

  9. The current system is horrible, all the killers tunneling in this meta more than ever in the history of dbd, I have friends that I invite to play for the first time and they get frustrated and end up rage because they are tunneled. And the Killers with the most mmr are the worst, they are experts in tunneling, even a new killer has more honor.

  10. I just think that simply the game shouldn't be based on "4k is a win, and no kill is a lose" cuz that's the real reason for killers to tunnel (the same as for survs dying/not escaping shouldn't be a "must achieved thing") – it still should be a goal but not a requirement

  11. What if the duration of the DS was based on the killer that you are against. For example, if you are against the nurse or spirit, the stun should be 5 seconds because they can close the distance much faster, 4 seconds for killers like Billy or Mastermind and against a killer like trapper or ghost face should be 3.

  12. I think the solution of reworking a universal perk to be an anti tunnel perk is the best solution. However, they will probably just sell us a new one and slap a fixed sticker on the tunneling issue….

  13. I have a very simple solution to tunneling. If nobody has been put on a hook for at least 2 minutes after you get unhooked, when the killer picks you up the 3 closest hooks get blocked. This forces the killer to waste 2 perk slots on iron grip and agitation if they want to commit to tunneling.

    I know someone’s gonna say something about this will promote slugging, to which I say: make an anti slug mechanic that works exactly like the anti camp one. If you have been downed for over 60 seconds a bar will slowly fill up, if at least 3 people are down it fills faster. Once full the downed survivor can pick themself back up. Then change unbreakable to give you endurance or get the effect faster.

  14. desisive could have 3 seconds on some killers and 3.5 4 4.5 5 seconds on other killers that way they could adjust the stun timer on each killer. To find what works for each killer.

  15. Hey Otz, I am a P100 Nea main who has reached iridescent 1 numerous times and I completely agree with all you have to say however, decisive strike did massively need this buff as the 3 second stun was not enough to make distance as the animation took one second and that meant that one only had two seconds to make distance. While yes some killers like nurse and blight will catch up relatively quickly, this is overall a healthy change as tunnelling might be an effective killer strat but it’s not fun for either side.

    To expand on your idea about turning old, outdated, useless perks like “This is not happening” into new anti tunnelling perks is a great idea, Behaviour can still implement these changes, regardless of buffing, DS.

    Another great point you brought up was the idea that new players will not have access to DS as it is locked behind a pay wall. I think a great idea will be to make DS appear in the shrine the same day the buff is integrated into the main game. This will solve this issue.

    Luv you Otz you truly are one of a kind man.

  16. Shrine should get reworked so it either has:
    a) More perks in shrine,
    b) More frequent shrine resets,
    c) Both
    d) You can buy a bundle of 3 of the licensed perks fron a certain killer/survivor for a price of 9000 iri shards as you would buy a normal survivor (and it's my favourite solution so far)


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