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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
I know in generall you dont camp, but this game, you sure camped them pretty hard
man evrytime true plays he gets some free hits and survivors trying to run trough him , and when i play i get full sjw evry game with comms and they dont ever do a mistake lol , somethings wrong
Very nice
Why does he always act like a confident douchbag?
Why did you only put 6 videos? you put 8 videos every day
Dood the ui always makes me think im chasing the last survivor by the end of the match and meanwhile the last person is doing the last gen, its frustrating because when you play killer in red ranks its such fast paced high focus gameplay and the ui sucks for quick info
lol the injured movement looks stupid xD
the way they run when they’re injured is actually kinda funny 😂
Played 1 game yesterday and the hit boxes were unplayable
I wish people would give up on this game and force these dev to improve their team and trim the fat on their team. Maybe valheim will be way better!
Tell this game is going downhill everything they did is just trash
Not gonna lie. The hit boxes are insane. But I played killer yesterday and the hit boxes were normal. When I hit the survivor, it gave me the hit. It is so much different in survivors screens than it is on killers screens. On the survivors screens, the killer is so far behind. But on the killers screens, it’s just a normal hit…
Nice camping
That damn unemployment insurance
pyramid head ^^
Tru3 last video: Dunno bout you guys, I usually know which addons I'm bringing
Tru3 this video: I didn't bring any range addons, did I?
ui is weird. verrrrry weird
Honestly this new UI I can’t tell who’s injured and who’s not
You suck dk dude you supposed to be a good dbd player but you camp like a bit ch unsub
No se entiende una chota ahora, a veces pienso que me queda un solo survivor y comienzo a buscar la trampilla como un desquiciado, resulta que quedaban dos survivor, hermoso. Todo muy poco intuitivo, los que hicieron los cambios, se pueden poner en fila y chuparme la poronga !
Soo glad this guy doesn't say "wicky flicky something on a tuesday" anymore.
Haven't played DBD for a while. THought P-head only has ranged attack and cage. What else does he have?
I hate the UI and the standing model and how some survivors look like they're jogging away from a killer, but I like everything else. Especially how things seem alot smoother with the animations like getting downed and crouching. Bu
You camped and tunneled and slugged and camped and went to the grocery store and slugged and picked up milk and tunneled and and and
Why can we see the gens after he kicks the hatch closed? New bug?
3:17 I can’t take that injured run animation seriously
I was so lost the new ui had me confused