Entitled TTV Tries To Get Players Banned – Dead By Daylight

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This is NOT how you handle disliking someone’s playstyle…

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DO NOT seek out any of the toxic individuals to show any sort of hate or negativity.


49 thoughts on “Entitled TTV Tries To Get Players Banned – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Some people not only they cannot handle PvP games, they do not have anything good in them to handle situations. No virtues, no quality. Empty shells they try to fill with toxicity of any kind for a temporary dopamine rush. No wonder they get nothing good in their lives. It is easy to be bad, everyone can be.

  2. As a console player myself, I don't enjoy going against PC players for gameplay reasons, not for personal reasons. There's scumbag players on every type of device, but what I have an issue with is that I have to face Nurses or Huntresses with insane DPI as I fight for my life with two joysticks haha

    Also, I'm tired of these entitled streamers making the whole streaming community look bad. Either grow up and find a way to vent healthily or off-stream, or just quit streaming altogether…

  3. They don't take reports seriously because most are crap reports. I've been reported a little over 200x now and never been banned once cause all were false. You still get flagged and notified when your account is getting reported a lot.

  4. Hey! You scrolling down the comments!
    If you ever feel like you're not good enough at anything and don't feel like your gifts can ever be appreciated…
    Just remember…

    People like this exist. Like, actually EXIST. And sometimes they even have families…
    You can do it. It's literally statistically improbable that you won't, by this point.

  5. Sometimes the "tunneling" these players talk about is their own mistakes and I make the same mistakes sometimes
    Like after getting unhooked I accidentally run into the killer
    Or I dont leave the area after I get unhooked
    OR im the only person the killer finds and I dont blame them for downing me.
    When I play killer and I run into someone who was just unhooked
    Sometimes I ignore them
    There are those times that I do down them but thats only when I'm not in a good spot In the game and most of the time I leave them slugged for bait
    So I dont have to hook them again.

  6. Funny thing about this person is if BHVR's report system is like Take-Two. This streamer's own account is going to get flagged for frequency of reports and get ignored automatically. Plus BHVR has the secondary report system to provide proof of the report's claims. Also, isn't there a policy on twitch for fake reports that they can go back and verify.

  7. Yeh alittle over a year ago I lost my xbox account due to spam reports from a streamer and their followers. Followed by laughing emjios in my inbox from their them an their followers saying they would get my account banned. I'm sure there's a vod somewhere with it. And yes I lost my xbox account with years an thousands of dollars worth of games an DLC bc of it. So DBD left a bad taste in my mouth. I was just playing killer. An new to the game was liking it. But that experience was unbelievable. Iv called an everything I could think of to try an get my account back to no avail. It's ridiculous of the hate spread in this game.

  8. This person had the audacity to false report someone live on stream where they’re recorded doing it?? UM LOL, that does them no justice…why would they think that’s a good idea 😂😂

  9. These people genuinely need to be brought to DBDs Dev's eyes. THEY should be the ones to lose their act/platform. If they feel comfortable doing it to others, they should suffer the consequences.

  10. This just makes me especially mad because its not going to do any actual harm to the people being reported, its just wasting some poor person's time to look at the logs and investigate the "issue." Clearly this streamer thinks Cote is their father

  11. I think I got like 100+ times reported for tunneling/camping/slugging. I also have 100 pages -reps on my steam profile for playing killer. I never got so much toxicity, not even in years of playing League of Legends.

  12. Ugh, hate when everyone is trying to go through the same small area.

    It's like we know we have collision, we should be able to figure it out, but nope!

    And for some reason it always happens while trying to escape a killer so it's a guarantee one of us is being hooked.

  13. It's funny how this streamer is using racism in his reports to both BHVR and Twitch… it's funny how people likt this streamer don't think that Twitch and BHVR will actually do some researching into such accusations.

  14. Tbh I cant really say either side is wrong, the entitled "Streamer" just highlights how far the games gone into the toxic category since Bhvr actively encourages people to play like tumors

  15. jake mains cringe. also how bad do you have to be to lose with a score of only 2k that takes effort to suck that much. the problem is he is terrible not that the killer tunneling. i do think that console players are more inclined to tunneling and camping from my own experience as console is more limiting to play on so it helps (which isnt banable its just annoying to play against) to do those things but for a start how does he even know hes on console, he didnt have a console looking name he could just be on epic games or microsft store and even if he was on console he still didnt tunnel the streamer was just terrible and couldnt keep a 5 second chase.

  16. It’s actually PC players that are more notorious for camping and tunneling (more specifically Steam players), but what the console players are notorious for is not hitting the ready button. At least from my experience.

  17. So… can’t steam and behavior like see a pattern in this guy’s reports? There’s gotta be someone looking at these reports and going “hmm… so every person you play with has been coming to your chat and calling you racial slurs? That’s odd.” Like?? It would be so funny if one day this guy gets banned on all platforms for all his false reports 😂


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