Toxicity Tierlist with Cope | Dead by Daylight

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So Cope and I got together and had a super heated debate about toxicity in DBD. Apologies in advance for all of the screaming and shouting, he’s just a bit wild.

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:54 T-Bagging
0:02:56 Doxxing/DDosing/IRL Stuff
0:04:47 Post-game Chat Ranting
0:05:44 Hatemail in Chats/DMs/Profiles
0:07:08 Stream Sniping
0:10:48 Dodging Lobbies
0:13:24 “Bully” Squads
0:17:14 Cheating
0:18:03 Exploits
0:20:33 Deranking MMR
0:23:09 Filters/Config. Editing
0:28:23 Anti-Fun Perks
0:30:20 Full Facecamping
0:35:35 Hard Tunneling
0:39:26 Denying Achievements
0:43:04 “Techs”
0:46:28 Going Full Meta
0:49:36 Bringing 4 Slowdown Perks
0:51:35 Hiding Indefinetely
0:54:22 Full Bleedout
0:57:16 Disconnecting (1 Survivor)
1:00:46 Disconnecting (Killer/Full Team)
1:01:55 Finished List

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41 thoughts on “Toxicity Tierlist with Cope | Dead by Daylight”

  1. For the dodging lobby part it can be okay or pretty nice! Let me explain. Imagine you just start playing dbd and you find a frcking good team of survivors (over 600h per survivors) and you as a new killer you see that they are good players so you quit to find a lobby of survivors that is around your level and that’s good for Evryone. The survivors don’t have a killer that they can loop for the entire game and the killer dont need to face à team that is way higher level than him

  2. I'm on switch lite so I know my resolution is terrible. And if I play against a killer on PC who can add filters etc probably hurts me a lot. I know I should probably turn off crossplay. I worry it'll hurt my wait times tho. I do want to get better and be able to play against a killer on any system. I do consistently get iri 1 tho so maybe it's not that bad.
    Solid video and reasoning!

  3. 57:17

    There is a slight counter to people who 3-stage themselves on hooks. And that is using Up The Ante, which according to math, gives rage quitters about a 34% to unhooking themselves.

  4. I've been playing for about a month and grinded to iridescent before the reset yesterday. I can honestly say that I have had 6 or 7 killers throw games in a row in the lower ranks. Back to back

  5. My friend was trying to complete an old archive challenge to "escape through the hatch with a key". 3-man swf against a bubba on Ormund and he's stomping us. 2 people dead (including the person not in our swf) and 3 gens to go. Objective shifts to "okay we're not getting out but maybe you can get your archive" friend with archive goes to basement lockers to hide (hatch at shack offering) and the last person alive goes to beg for death. Bubba REFUSES he was so upset that one of us was clearly hiding and kept trying to convince the one out working on gens alone to rat them out. He wanted justice for this poor person doing gens SO BADLY because he had no way to know we were a swf. He finally killed the 3rd person to allow for hatch after about 8 minutes and 2 gens solo'd. We feel bad about it to this day because he was so wholesome.
    Got the archive tho.

  6. I'm a new player with not to many perks I like to main killer but it's hard to due to the lack of time I put into the game and killers I own and whenever I try to grind to get more perks on free killers or shards to buy better perks I can't do that because of the players I'm put up against that make it impossible to perform well and it is rage inducing because its consistently happening just because I get a merciless one game

  7. The one behavior I don't see on here that I see in games all too frequently is when a killer is repeatedly hitting a hooked survivor. It's just griefing the survivor player and personally I find that toxic. If the killer received some sort of point reward I could at least understand. I've seen it happen at 5 gens, no gens, 10s chases, or chases over a minute. If a killer wants to face camp a survivor, sure that's a strategy and I don't fault them for that but I really do wish they were unable to hit the hooked survivor.

  8. DCing will never be truly bannable bc you have to take people who lose connection into account. But imo its one of the worst things you can do especially as killer. You're depriving others of the ability to play the game bc you got salty.

  9. I dont abuse glitches to win.
    I may like to use the window vault bug and reverse vault in chase, few times than show it to the killer and than let him kill me.
    I hate to win with bugs.
    And D-rank, to lower your MMR just happens if you dont take the game serious and often joke and meme around.
    Than when you want to play normaly you face lowe mmr survivors, but to give 1 hatch and give them second chance mid game and dont try to destroy them.
    Rank go up slowly and your back at your own rank.
    Ofthen as killer you need to chill and joke around and say F to trying and killing and be nice and joke around in ways people have fun and dont suffer.

  10. i've never heard of cope and i don't have anything against him but this video was frustrating to watch because of his opinions, they felt unreasonable
    like otz is giving exact descriptions of "this thing by this exact definition" and cope goes "yeah but what about this perfectly normal situation"
    someone like myself with a few hundred hours where i have limited time to play the game each day, it's frustrating to come across people tunnelling or camping, making a few minutes to nearly an hour of my gametime useless and pointless. it sucks to feel so incredibly helpless.
    same goes for bully squads, i have to play as long as they want to hold me hostage and make my expereince the worst it can be
    like someone else in the comments said i think cope is not thinking outside of the experience as a streamer/someone with thousands of hours and full comprehention of every element of the game

  11. i've never heard of cope and i don't have anything against him but this video was frustrating to watch because of his opinions, they felt unreasonable
    like otz is giving exact descriptions of "this thing by this exact definition" and cope goes "yeah but what about this perfectly normal situation"
    someone like myself with a few hundred hours where i have limited time to play the game each day, it's frustrating to come across people tunnelling or camping, making a few minutes to nearly an hour of my gametime useless and pointless. it sucks to feel so incredibly helpless.
    same goes for bully squads, i have to play as long as they want to hold me hostage and make my expereince the worst it can be
    like someone else in the comments said i think cope is not thinking outside of the experience as a streamer/someone with thousands of hours and full comprehention of every element of the game

  12. idk saying its fine or just not nice to tell a player they dont get to play the game is a bit crappy, you can say its fine or make excuses, having someone wait 3 to 10 minutes sometimes just to que into a lobby and get tunneled isnt what i would call healthy gameplay even if the killer thinks its optimal.

  13. On the subject of "bully squads" – I was a main killer in DbD and was stuck with one practically every third round. At some point I got fed up and left not only this game but also other games that have this setup (asynchronous 4 vs 1 games), as it completely ruined my enjoyment of it.

    For you as experienced players, it may just be a minor annoyance, but as usual: Bullying – especially when it is excessive – is very damaging. Not only for the individual, but also for the whole community in which it takes place.

    Therefore, I would rather classify it under "offensive". You may be able to defend yourself effectively against it, but it is all the more devastating for those who cannot. Especially if they misinterpret your calm attitude on this issue as "not taking it seriously".

  14. Stream sniping and twitch chat offensive but bully squads and tbagging are fine. The bias is incredible. In any other game that isn't online going out of your way to use your experience in a game to make it as unfun as possible for the other side and rub their face in it would result in you not having people to play the game with very quickly.

  15. Cope is honestly too burnt or out of touch to do a tier list like this. Listing so many of these things as "fine" requires you to have a complete lack of emotional intelligence

  16. i personally use filters for aesthetic reasons because let's be honest, default dbd is ugly. Aesthetics and visuals are a big thing for me in games and i like them to be as clear and easy to look at as possible. btw if anyone uses nvidia let me know what filter settings you use, here are mine:
    – exposure: 0
    – contrast: 4
    – highlights: 30
    – shadows: 16
    – gamma: 10

    – sharpen: 23
    – clarity: 100
    – hdr toning: 60
    – bloom: 15 (or 0 depending on how much it bothers me)

    – tint color: 0
    – tint intensity: 0
    – temperature: 0
    – vibrance: 40

    – intensity: 0-50 (depending on if i want it to look sharper or not)
    – ignore film: 0

  17. Whenever I signal someone to move to a hook and they actually do it I often let them go because I have mad respect for that. This one time a feng got stuck on a box on dead dawg because I hit her in a very weird way, and she crawled down after like 3 seconds. I was so proud oml

  18. Me as a console player, filters are offensive. Seeing a gameplay from ayrun, etc. is making me want to die fr. Me beeing not able to play on pc because my fingers are not built for that kind of witchcraft is soo frustrating.

  19. I have a toxicity story that does have to do with DBD, but is still major as it could definitely still happen in DBD, especially with how it started.

    I use to play the DOOM 2016 multiplayer and was having a fun time. In the multiplayer, emoting after killing someone gets you an XP boost. Me trying to grind my XP, I used t-bag emote as it was the fastest emote in game. Well I t-bag a guy with the username nUk3m_, and after just the 1st t-bag, he got on an alt to spam me with emojis to mess the game up and was constantly trash talking, and when I say trash talk, I'm talking about horribly offensive and disgusting trash talk, such as f#ggot, t#tty boy, and other stuff I'd rather not say it's that disgusting. When I beat him and bagged him the final time, he DDOSed me and bragged about it going "Lzzzz only Garb0 nubs get b00ted". When I called him out on it in a community page, he cyber stalked me(literally searching when I go on and offline)and sending his friends at me to ruin my games, then when I posted a screenshot of him bragging about DDOSing me, He used alt accounts to mass report the screenshots as spam and getting me banned twice(almost a 3rd and permanent time, what save me was him bragging like an idiot on how he was doing it)

    The worst part about this entire story, is that he's still online even to this day streaming apex without any punishment. He did all of that blatantly and on public sites, and he got away with all of it for free.

    So when people see me being extremely harsh against people who get salty over DBD, it's because I had to deal with a horrible, putrid, evil excuse for a human being over a 1 second animation in a video game, and I refuse to let me or others have to deal with something that's even 1 % similar to what I had to deal with.

  20. I completely disagree with Cope about cheaters, they should 100% go to jail. 

    Why? Because the cheaters didn't legally buy the game from BHVR, many cheaters illegally bought a copy of DBD from the cheatmakers along with the cheats. Cope was only thinking about the consequences in the game, he wasn't thinking about the consequences of cheaters for BHVR's business and income. Which cheating 100% effects as BHVR aren't getting even 1 cent from every cheaters copy of DBD.

  21. Being a long time console player myself, I want to talk about the Filter/Config advantage. Despite the fact that I lack access to these settings, I see these PC adjustments as good for the game.

    I've been playing DBD on xbox one ever since the Legion release chapter, and I've definitely experienced some terrible hardware disadvantages. I even quit the game for around 6 months after the Nemesis release that introduced hard FPS drops on console players. I didn't come back until the game felt playable on my end again. But I never felt like this gave PC players an unfair advantage over me. I just wanted the game fixed.

    Recently, I've been able to enjoy the advantage of some filters even on console. A couple years back when all the old maps got a graphical update, BHVR added a weird red tint to the Coldwind Farm maps that makes it almost impossible for me to see the red auras of generators and survivors. But using the relatively recent colorblind filters, I have been able to regain that lost visibility.

    I'm sure that some PC players were using third party colorblind filters before these settings were properly introduced to the game, and I have to wonder if I would have ever had access to these colorblind features if BHVR had taken the approach mentioned in this video of hard-limiting the configuration advantages that PC players have in the interest of fairness.

  22. I done a 65% bleedout on this one meg because she kept going to the corner of the map (4th or 5th) time they did this, far hooks and she had boil over which made it worse. She wanted to get out cuz she was last with hatch opened. Got mad at me in my ps messages for not picking her up lmao

  23. The only time I’ve seen bleedouts as okay in the game is when someone goes to an unhookable spot repeatedly, essentially hiding there until the other survivors do the gens, or when it’s that bully squad who decided to all run wiggle builds (went against a few) and stack up in a nearly unhookable spot, and so the only options are to leave them and accept defeat or down them and watch, maybe one of them leaves and you can get the hook


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