EPIC COMEBACK ON WORST MAP FOR KILLER | Albert Wesker | Dead By Daylight Resident Evil DLC Chapter

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In today’s video we go against a strong team on one, if not, the worst map for killer. I’m excited to show this one off to you and Enjoy!

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11 thoughts on “EPIC COMEBACK ON WORST MAP FOR KILLER | Albert Wesker | Dead By Daylight Resident Evil DLC Chapter”

  1. Hey friends! Sorry for the delay in videos, I was working on Wesker's killer guide for yall but sadly my file got corrupted so I'll have to re-record and edit that for yall soon!

    Hit that LIKE button to send your love ❤️ for the content! Have a great week yall! 😀

  2. I seem to always be the odd one out in most games, i always seem to do better with the stuff the community finds bad lol. It's like in Call of Duty when i am better with the worst gun then i am the best guns. In this case i tend to be good on the worst maps while i sometimes suck on the best maps. I don't mind this map so much as Wesker as long as the Gens aren't too spread out. With the Build i told you on stream with Discordance, Call of Brine, Tinkerer and jolt or Opression. You can really pressure the gens, i managed to extend a 3 gen situation to like 20 minutes. I had everyone on Death Hook and got 2 of them. They did finally get the gens but they really had to work for them. So this map can be okay if you micromanage well and hope the Gen Spawns aren't grofungus.

  3. So you failed every single prediction except one in the beggining, failed all chaises, failed mid-long range vurulents, got stunned many times… Then got gifted few kills cus someone for no reason waited for you in basement with No Mitter, and survivors did not healed each other in the end nor escaped, and waited near gates for no reason… And you blame it on the map, nice. Comeback is something YOU supposed to bring back, if survivors playing weird, literally gifting you kills, that is not comeback.

  4. Pulled this off against a tbagging SWF and two were TTV on this map. Felt so amazing and i got called a cheater because i camped despite them being around the hook. And called a tunneler when they decide to heal near me with my anti heal build hahaha


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