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We just had a NEW KILLER leaked on twitter, now I don’t normally follow these things, but they were spot on with the artist and the leaks were genuine so I have only big hopes for this leak. This killer seems very fun and interactive and the idea we can turn the entire game into darkness? amazing!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


43 thoughts on “NEW KILLER LEAK ANNIVERSARY!!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm excited for this killer. It sounds like it's gonna bring an element of actual horror and unease. Be more disturbing than others. I hope it's as tense and oppressive as it sounds because being chased by it will be a whole different experience.

  2. As a preface:
    This isn't directed specifically towards you but I would appreciate if content creators didn't use leak content as thumbnails. People will inadvertenly see the thumbnail first and they will get spoiled when they don't want to. I personally am not affected because (at least for DBD) I look at leaks very eagerly but other people might not be that happy to have the design spoiled for them.

    On to the leaked content:

    I think the design is absolutely amazing but design is somethign that DBD has pretty much always excelled at. The power seems good on the surface, we'll have to see how long it takes to build Nightfall and what "total darkness" means though. I hope it's something along the lines of 6-8 meters maximum. It seems like the killer will be hit and run as you get most value when everyone is injured. Sloppy will be a staple and Circle will be a bitch I guess. Teleporting gives a certain amount of map pressure, nice.


    Septic Touch:
    I know I will be pretty alone with this opinion, but I do not think Septic Touch will be as strong against Dead Hard as most people think right now. For once, it only works when you stop healing in the killers Terror Radius. The dampens effectiveness on every stealth killer or killer with smaller TRs (who mostly are killers that announce their coming anyway like Huntress' lullaby or Spirit's phasing). Then, people just need to reach a god window and walk a bit and their exhaustion will almost be up unless BHVR puts the T3 timer to something like 12 seconds (which they won't do, will be 8 seconds 100%). I can see it working in some meme builds like maybe impossible healing Doc with Sloppy, Distressing, Coulrophobia, this perk and double calm but then they have enough time to walk away anyway. Are there killers wo will benefit greatly from this perk? Sure, high mobility killers, Nurse and Blight at the forefront, who don't give the survivor time to reach an adequate window or pallet. But then again, Nurse and Blight are so strong the don't really need this perk as it might take up a slot for a perk that helps them even more.

    Edit: I just realized I completely misread the perk. I read it as "only if they interupt the healing action within the terror radius". However, I misread it twice actually. Only the healing survivor(s) are affected by the exhaustion/blindness, not the one being healed. So it's basically only against people healing themselves so my initial estimation of it being not that good still applies, just for different reasons.

    This perk sounds really really good against strong pallets you need to run around anyway. Godpallets have to be broken manually anyway and unsafe pallets can be mindgamed but strong pallets don't really need to be mindgamed anymore. When the perk is activated you just force the vault or get the hit because they kept running around the loop or the left entirely. I can see it being used on Clown a lot tbh.

    Darkness Revealed:
    Seems pretty useless unless maybe on Huntress or Trickster who need to reload. If it also works on the Dredges power (which I assume) he can use it as well to see where people are hiding. But I don't see other killers use it unless it's a suuuuuper rare occasion like Legion picking someone out of a locker while in Frenzy but this is something only new players will likely experience.

    Residual Manifest:
    The concept of taking away killers aura reading abilities is certainly novel but I think top level killers won't be phased by this. They know where their gens are and it's a minor nuisance by blocking stuff like Nurses or BBQ. However I will concede that I might be underestimating the strength of blocking those aura readings as well and it might turn out to be a "good" perk.

    Inner Focus:
    As you said, a really good solo perk, in SWF not neccessary.

    Once again I might have a very controversial opinion, but I do not think this will be as scary of a perk as it might seem. Sure, you get a repair speed increase of 4% but 4% is not a lot. Basic repair speed is 1 charge per second. Adding 4% increases this to 1.04 charges per second divided by the 80 charges neccessary results in 76.92, so you save about 3 seconds with this perk. Yes, this is only tier 1 but I think at most this will be 8% at tier 3 and if we plug in 8% speed it's 74.07 seconds for a gen solo, saving roughly 6 seconds. Considering you need to break a totem which takes 14 seconds, you'd need to finish 2.something generators solo without getting hit for this perk to pay off.
    I think this is BHVRs attempt at making people cleanse more totems than boon them but unless they massively buff the speed increase or at least make the perk stay active until you get downed again, once people realise how miniscule the benefits are, nobody will use this perk. Or my math is just completely off but I do think I did it correctly.

    Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

  3. Originally I was ticked off that Ghostface didn't pop out of lockers because he's always popping out of nowhere, and or didn't have a cellphone mechanic. At least something like that is coming, haha.

  4. This company is on auto-pilot and they are going right into a mountain. The entire game needs to be overhauled. They have caught lightning in a bottle but have zero vision of what healthy gameplay looks like as well as any semblance of balance. The numbers on this game are going down monthly.

  5. This leak confirmed the devs don't listen to killers. Flashlights favorite of toxic Survivors. Now you give them a perk that hackers use again! nope every time I think the game might be worth coming back to. they screw it up.

  6. Sounds very exiting and… terrifying.
    I love scary stealth killers you just need to be way more responsive and pay way more attention.
    Like walking in darkness, no terrorradius with you only able to see/hear him when he's near like Sadako?
    Sounds terrifying and amazing lol

  7. I haven't heard of anything!? omfg I am quite excited! It reminds me of a monster from Resident evil or some other game which's name I can't remember.
    I can see the killer making like clicking noises

    I really am excited to see it in game!

  8. the perks will be all in tier one of the perk the pallet one 3 seconds after injuring dont seem viable unless killer dont break pallets that solo perk is eh that is 10 seconds of aura reading in one survivor injured and downed there needs to be a cooldown on that, the 30 second blindness on btw thats in t1 of the perk is going to be bad for killers they will lose all aura reading bbq imagine snm myers amandas letter all seeing wraith yeah not well thought out again

  9. That locker info perk is beautiful and disgusting. The blind survivor perk is going to make light born more then a novelty against flashlight trolls lol. this killer looks so interesting, really looking forward to it.

  10. wow another killer that teleports and has a bit of stealth? yeah literally freddy 3.0 sadako was freddy 2.0, no shot bhvr gives this, over the recent anniversary chapter where you legit get the resident evil franchise

  11. It looks wayyyyyy too real. If it’s edited it’s masterful editing. Bc man. This looks cool. Why does it sound and look like a blight mix with sadako power? Lmaoo. Anyways. I’ll catch the stream on the 17th but sheesh. This looks kinda underwhelming considering may 13 is right there with evil dead.

  12. @ManFaceJay
    I think the pallet perk isn't good at all. A survivor who drops a pallete usually will run to the next vault. If you hit them, they use the speed boost also to run to the next vault. That will usually consume your 12 seconds. The perk will be usefull only if the drop a save pallete, then get hit, and then need to vault the pallete. I think that will be super situational, just worth at very save palettes and only if the survivor doen't transfer to the next loop. If they do, you anyway would want to kick safe palettes instead of waiting for a survivor to vault them.


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