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Out of all the DBD creators, Skermz is my all time favorite. Keep up the content and be well!
Skermz's the type of guy to say "not on my watch" when the killer is chasing his teammates
does anyone know if skermz and jrm fuck
I was the wesker btw 😂
Skermz the type of guy to have me giggling and kickin my feet at a DBD video
F*k jrm ,otzetc ur the best, i would luv to 2 watch u play any game bro
Skermz is the type of guy to sacrifice an innocent baby random so he can escape
Skermz the type of guy to say iron will value with no iron will 2:21
I hope Nurse gets a big nerf, she’s so damn annoying
sick thumbnail!
Great video man!
Killers like that wesker are so cringe..
“Seal Team Six”💀💀💀💀
Wesker match was insane. Goodness love watching you skermz❤️
I really wish I come across with you someday, hopefully as teammate, if as killer to test my skills!
Skermz vids just made my day
Bro I'll sign your cheeks
Imagine tunnelling as a Nurse.
this comment section is the type of guy to have question marks floating on top of their heads
Damn, that nurse was dangerous
I dont understand why its called "farming" if you unhook infront of the killer.
Not only do you get more bloodpoints if you get a safe unhook. Both in the short term and long term because safe unhooks give you bloodpoints, and the game lasts longer to get more bloodpoints. But you are also going to get downed by the killer, which rewards you 0 bloodpoints, and makes the game end sooner, which prevents you from scoring more bloodpoints.
idk who came up with that terminology, but they have no idea what the fuck farming is because it makes 0 fucking sense.
skermz is the type of guy to order soup off a menu at a restaurant and then proceed to ask everyone at the table if they want a taste.
Why are the survivors named after the characters they play?
Skerms: "Weskuh put your d*** away Weskuh."
Weskuh: "I am the one who tunnels."
So cool of BHVR to introduce a killer that punishes survivors for being good loopers
Skermz the type of guy to get 2nd place in a who looks more like skermz competition
Today it's my birthday but I just want u to know
The cutaway to the "wow" was perfect
That wesker is a complete L I would feel bad but he asked for a loss by tunneling like that
skermz high key be the mf to drink hotdawg water with pickle juice 🤡
This is so relatable 10:43
Oh parents, why do you have to tell us? It ruins everything…
"This is way too intense for no reason"
sums up your entire escapes that should not have happened series xD
Did he play with someone famous in the last match?
Skermz the type of guy to say “That’s a steal!” when told there’s a 75% off shovels sale in Home Depot
This guy dont give hearts 😑
Skerms the type of guy to lay down in the front for a group picture
Skermz the type of guy to proposition his stepbro
The music mess during the wesker chases is so fucked up it messes with my ears.
strongest feng ive ever seen
that is the hardest ive ever seen someone get tunnelled 💀 and I was tunnelled by killer once while they were nice to everyone (swear to god all I did was loop)
Just started yesterday, today I was playing trapper and two games where everyone escaped except two people I was able to sacrifice, yeah I suck 😢
Skermz the type of guy to make me fall in love
skermz the type of guy to pin this comment