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Today we are going to be playing the new Dead By Daylight event The “Twisted Masquerade” where we collect masks!

►Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/thejrm_

►Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/NotJRM
►Merch – https://www.thejrm.store/
►Clips Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JRMclips
►Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thejrm_/
►Twitter – https://twitter.com/the_jrm
►Discord Server – https://discord.com/invite/TrdcERjZUj
►Outro Song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbJyFsBzNmo


47 thoughts on “EVENT BY DAYLIGHT”

  1. A lot of people are making this mistake, including me at the start. You can only get masquerade masks for a selected few survivors and killers. For survivors u got Elodie, Yui, Dwight, Ace, Mikaela and Jane. For killer its trapper, huntress, Spirit, Deathslinger, the artist and dredge. Pretty lame if you ask me, dk why it's not every survivor and killer other than the licensed one being able to get those masks.

  2. Just to let you know, you do get the mask no matter what as long as you have an invitation during endgame (even if you die). You don’t need to escape either. The mask is also random. You can play 1 killer and get all 12 masks or play 1 survivor and get all 12 (6 killer ones, 6 survivor ones).

  3. I cant be the only one who finds it stupid that for the aniversary event they dont add masks for all the non licenced characters right? I was very big sad when i escaped with an invitation for jakey boy and got a mask for ace. Then when i searched up the masks, nobody that i care about had one.

  4. I like your video man just some advice I got for you tho: I’m sure most viewers can agree when I say, i would like to hear the game sound as well not just your voice. Just make it even .


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