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47 thoughts on “USE THIS TRICK WHEN VERSING DEMOGORGON! | DBD Compilation”

  1. i’ve seen that tricked pulled on a billy before, maybe a blight tooo(?) but not a demo that’s crazy. i thought it was map dependent though but idk? never tried it before

  2. How is it you all could be As blind as the gods you preach?

    There are no real games in DBD, I've proven this for over nine months straight now.

    Erasing me illegally from Twitch was not slick, but you did all earn a one way ticket to hell.

    And a promise you'll never be allowed to forget for the rest of your lives.How is it you all could be As blind as the gods you preach?

    There are no real games in DBD, I've proven this for over nine months straight now.

    Erasing me illegally from Twitch was not slick, but you did all earn a one way ticket to hell.

    And a promise you'll never be allowed to forget for the rest of your lives.How is it you all could be As blind as the gods you preach?

    There are no real games in DBD, I've proven this for over nine months straight now.

    Erasing me illegally from Twitch was not slick, but you did all earn a one way ticket to hell.

    And a promise you'll never be allowed to forget for the rest of your lives.

  3. How is it you all could be As blind as the gods you preach?

    There are no real games in DBD, I've proven this for over nine months straight now.

    Erasing me illegally from Twitch was not slick, but you did all earn a one way ticket to hell.

    And a promise you'll never be allowed to forget for the rest of your lives.

  4. How is it you all could be As blind as the gods you preach?

    There are no real games in DBD, I've proven this for over nine months straight now.

    Erasing me illegally from Twitch was not slick, but you did all earn a one way ticket to hell.

    And a promise you'll never be allowed to forget for the rest of your lives.

  5. I deleted the game. I am unsubscribing because the fucking developers have remade the Die Hard skill and not only this skill.

    and about the fact that the killers set up camp and tunnel the survivors, the developers did not think about it. They also told me that they would not correct my mistakes in the game. I can't play against an artist. That is, I cannot run when the torture birds are on me. Also, I can't play with friends.

    good luck with your game bro <3


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