Anti-healing Build for Artist | Dead by Daylight

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This video features somewhat gimmicky but interesting anti-healing build for Artist. Probably not the strongest or most suited for beginners, but you might want to give it a shot at some point!

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49 thoughts on “Anti-healing Build for Artist | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I love your content and it helps me fall asleep. Have you ever tried a build with coulrophobia and dark devotion? Would love to see if you could come up with a build to make it work.

  2. Hey Otz, I just wanted to confirm the descriptions of all the slowdown effects so you and your viewers know exactly how strong or weak they are as well as how they interact.

    As for the mangled status effect it does not decrease healing speed by 25% but rather increases the healing duration by 25%. These may sound the same but are not. How the math works is that the time to heal is equal to one divided by the rate (the equation being t=1/r and the inverse being r=1/t).
    What this actually means is that the rate is decreased by 20% (so 0.8 in the equation) which causes the time to increase by 25% (t=1/0.8 ≠ t=5/4 (125%))

    Another strange thing about the mangled status effect is that it is not additive with other slowdowns but instead multiplicative.
    What this means is that if say you were to suffer from coulrophobia (a decrease in the rate by 50%) and mangled (a decrease in 20%) you would not suffer a 70% penalty (0.5+0.2=0.7) but a 60% penalty ((1-0.5)x(1-0.2) ≠ 0.5×0.8 ≠ 0.4 (this is the new speed here instead of the penalty but 40% is the speed of a 60% penalty)).
    If you wanted proof of this or a visual representation then go check out the yt channel “interact” because he made a video that shows this.

    Hopefully this helps you base your opinions on healing in the game a bit better. It took a while to write this so here’s hoping you actually read this. Love you otz

  3. i dont play DbD i love that you show some Perks at the Beginning 😊 would like to see all, what they do, so i know whats going on 🙈 Only things i know is to repair Generators and Runaway try to outplay, got bit knowledge about springbzrst, exhaustion and DStrike 💓 thanks for the Content 🎮

    Short Introduction like 5 Second Text, what the bird do that you throw, i know its more work, but may it helps newling aka baby Watchers 🍼🐥

    Like 1:33 thats ❤️ :3

  4. I find the perk leverage to be pretty comedic, it's called leverage but the only point at which the perk is actually doing something impactful is once you've basically already won the match whereas leverage IRL is used to very effectively get something started that you couldn't do without it such as prying something apart with a crowbar

  5. Otz I have a stupid video idea. You use unrelenting to counter dead-hard and miss lunges on purpose with it. Could lead to some insanely funny clips.

  6. They probably undertuned Leverage for fear of it being too strong on release, now that it's clearly not an issue they could buff the numbers a bit – like even 10% per stack wouldn't be outrageous. They've done post-release buffs on weak perks like that before. It'd be quite useful in niche builds.

  7. Honestly, I havent played this game in forever. So its always nice seeing the perks and a nice description of each in these videos, so I can understand why or how these would be great alone with another perk. Especially with add-ons as well.

  8. Leverage is a really interesting perk because it presents survivors with a choice whether to spend a long time healing and risking the hooked survivor getting to next hook state, or saving them sooner and risking more time running around injured. 30 seconds is an appropriate amount of time imo.

    The issue is that 10 hooks are required for max potential. 1-3 hooks for 5-15% seems negligible in the early game, and even if you do get 10 tokens for the 50%, it's a game you were probably winning anyways with at least 2 survivors guaranteed dead.

    I feel like just tweaking the numbers would fix it. My first suggestion would be 8 tokens max and 6% for each token. Still gradual enough to not be too oppressive early game, but the perk will more consistently give value in the mid to late game. As a bonus, 8 would be just enough hooks such that all survivors can still be alive when the perk is at max potential. Imagine the chaos and tough decisions survivors would have to make in that situation, which I think would be not just rewarding for killer players but more importantly – fun.

  9. A friend of mine suggested that Leverage loses the time limit, so you just get a token for every hook for a total of 30% for 6 hooks, which would be equal to two totems of pentimento. Does this seem fair? I wasn't sure tbh

  10. My problem with leverage is that it doesn't have any healing regression. By the time you pick up a survivor and carry them to a hook, survivors are already at least partially healed, and in a lot of cases they can be fully or nearly fully healed by the time you hook already because it's not like you can stop them while carrying a survivor. Even if it looks like you are getting value from it on the HUD, you probably aren't getting as much as you think you do because it's only applying the debuff on whatever healing progress they don't have.

  11. I swear ive seen this video like 3 months ago and then 3 months before that???????????? like artist in same first map with same moment of someone tebagging at corner as otz goes and hooks the person he downed on the same exact hook

  12. You should try distressing, cloraphobia, unnerving presence, and sloppy/franklins on Wesker, he gets like a 50+ meter terror radius that completely covers smaller maps, and since people are always in your terror radius it also helps you sneak up on people, ironically it makes cowshed great since they can’t see you coming through the corn when you use the ability to get movement.

  13. I feel like with the 30s time limit on leverage, they could increase it to 10% per stack. Since it goes away and it's only on hook, if the killer is getting to like, 70-80-90%, then the survivors have already pretty much lost at that point anyway. It would make it feel more meaningful at the early stages.


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