Hypocrites in the Dead by Daylight Community

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38 thoughts on “Hypocrites in the Dead by Daylight Community”

  1. I think matchmaking should be addressed before any big balance changes people are trying to argue for. most of my games as killer i get survivors significantly below my skill level, which is super boring. its not like im a godtier player either, so its honestly mindboggling to me.

  2. I’d say the final message is no statistic has any value in dbd because matchmaking is so hilariously not skill based that theres too much variance. Even if I played clown 100000 games there would be nothing meaningful gained from that data because of how this game is.

  3. Something I dont see many people acknowledge when using de-pip squad as their reason for why survivors are OP is that the experiment started while double pallets + vacuum was still in the game.

  4. The data of both groups shows that if you play really scummy you can get consistent "wins" doing either while also making the opposing player(s) miserable. When Otz is doing his win streak games, he isn't being chill. Tunneling, slugging and camping is the strategy. Same w the survivor try hards. The question is what the Devs can do to encourage fun behavior instead of aggravating behavior.

  5. Wtf are you talking about? Everyone say "Nurse is OP" and "Survivor is OP" not because they win every game, but because your every struggle on opposite side can be absolutely meaningless againist him. God Nurse can counter every loop on map no matter what you try to do, mediocre survivor can possible genrush you af and repair all 5 gen after 3 min no matter how fast you catch him on loop. If Otz or someone else get 50 wins in a row as Clown still matter. How much he sweat to get that 50 wins? Can he get that 50 wins on other killers? If you remember he can easely get 50 wins on Spirit, 50 wins on Legions (but struggle to get those wins) and lose winstreak on Trickster. Spirit>Legion>Trickster. Sound right for me.
    Btw you right, DBD devs listen not only to statistic. As example. Huntress Lullaby (which absolutely garbage for Hex-perk) get nerfed just because Almo struggle a lot to hit Doctor skillcheck on tier 3 madness.

  6. As someone sometime pointed out: it's not that killers lose sometimes, it's that when killers lose and get completely stomped they have a feeling of "there's nothing i could've done to prevent this", which is especially true on basic 115% killers with no mobility or quirk to shorten chases

  7. i played killer a lot recently, flows around rank 2. everytime i can get a down the first 20 seconds and when i hook or before i hook a person theres one gen done. obviously you can use "stats" to prove me wrong or call me lying because you apparently know everything that other people is going through. its just my personal experience. i know there are a lot of people in this community that only look at the best survivor in the game and call them op and ask the devs to make the gens take 500 seconds to do, that is stupid. but the game being survivor sided on a competitive view point isnt new. thats if the ranking system work, which does for me on killer, not survivor.

  8. The fact players like you, Zubat, Ralph, Otz, Umbra, etcetera sometimes have 4 or 3 people escape when playing Killer means that the game is unbalanced. There's no way that people with the amount of hours you people have are getting outskilled, you just lose because of bad balance. I think that is good evidence that the game is survivor sided.

  9. Honestly I don’t think genuine top 1% sweat squads are a huge problem. They’re exceptionally rare and there is no way that playing like that is fun. When people play like that they’re kinda punishing themselves which is good enough for me lmao

  10. 4:36 I think the biggest difference is you guys are outright and saying the data doesn't mean anything, but the depip squad was trying to show a point with their videos, so the implication is that it "means" something. It is dumb, though, to take data that supports what you're saying and ignore the ones that counter it. At that point, why even look at data?

  11. There was a video of Otzdarva 4king as trapper against bs gen speeds.

    In this video the survivors made very terrible mistakes in their loops and Otzdarva got value out of his bear traps once the entire game and practically won with his m1 ability by the time he was down to 1 gen.

    Many survivors refused to see the early game is busted solely on the fact Otzdarva won.

    It’s ridiculous not everyone is as good as Otzdarva you can’t say the early game isn’t unbalanced just because he won in the end.

  12. I think what makes this game so unbalanced is that if an average solo survivor goes against an average killer the killer will win the MAJORITY of the time. But if a top-tier survivor goes against a top-tier killer the survivor will win MAJORITY of the time.

  13. A bit stronger… like you got a kill or 2.. a 50% win rate… so sweat squad only made the game fair… meaning it's very killer sided.. in that they have to be ungodly pro survivors to play fairly against a killer. ^^ it's fun playing with data.

  14. It's like listening to people that use crutch perks as a justification for a loss, I've seen quite a few small streamers talk absolute smack about 1 decisive and then go to play survivor and have the full small pp build, it's an unfortunate mindset that people get into instead of saying "wow I'm not doing to well, what's my problem here" we see "DuHhHhH wIgGlE bUiLd Op" "Definitely the reason I lost, not because I focused on the good survivor out of the group of 4."


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