WE FOUND A RINGU PLAYER! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

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18 thoughts on “WE FOUND A RINGU PLAYER! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. The tv turns off for 100 seconds when she uses it and 60 seconds when a survivor turns it off. She a lullaby, an audio cue when uses her de/manifestation, and a directional audio cue when teleporting.

    I swear bhvr’s definition of stealth in this game is just “has no terror radius”

  2. I think they should change sadako's ability where when the survivors are fully condemned it can no longer be reduced. Just my opinion, it's just that her ability didn't do too much pressure like the pig.

  3. What lack luster killer, I went against her and I suck as survivor btw and I was able to loop her for three Gens.

    I seriously suck as Survivor and I was able to loop her, good god, such a scary killer smh.

  4. I get the tapes so she can't surprise me at the gen, then I run to the next TV (where it cues me) to put in the tape and do the gen there. It's basically a free map for finding gens.

  5. Merciless storm is more of a meme unless you plan to chase off survivors on any and every gen you suspect is close to 90% done and even then, that's an extra 20 seconds max ONCE per gen.

  6. They will still claim she is OP.. In-fact you can find people saying that in different forums.. I think these people would still complain that a killer is OP even if said killer had no attack or power.

  7. For everyone who's been saying they didn't know or didn't realize sadako had a lullaby 0:16

    That is her lullaby you hear before true yells "OH YES, FINALLY!"

    Edit: there's only 2 survivor specific things to listen for:

    Metallic screeching – is her lullaby
    Electronic humming – Are active TVs

    As far as the tapes go it's only important if the killer player is actually using her teleport, this killer never really used it so you're golden vs these kinds of potatoes.


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