Former Hillbilly main plays him for 1 hour

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Dead by Daylight.

00:00 – Match 1 (Badham)
07:42 – Match 2 (Thompson House)
17:22 – Match 3 (Midwich)
21:47 – Match 4 (Temple)
30:43 – Match 5 (Sanctum)
37:00 – Match 6 (Suffocation Pit)
46:04 – Match 7 (Ormond)
54:14 – Match 8 (Lery’s)


23 thoughts on “Former Hillbilly main plays him for 1 hour”

  1. Hillbilly nerf was one of the reasons I bounced out from the game (and I was super dedicated to it for a long time).
    Fine, remove carboretor tuning gide, but all the other addons were fine… Current state is very not satisfying to me. I don't see a good reason to play him over Bubba now.
    I also kind of agree with overheating as a mean to prevent eternal 99 revved up hook camping, but it should only be a thing around actuall hooked survivor. Getting punished for trying to use your power in chase (which already is very punishing with getting a very long cd whenever you use chainsaw (wall or air hit… even survivor hit. Only pallets are somewhat quick and this should be the base)). It makes me so sad than one of the most balanced and actually fun to go against killers got nerfed when survivor get more and more buffs. It's almost like devs only want to see killers like Nurse, Spirit, Huntress and Pyramidhead…

  2. Is it worth to install the game again? or is still every match sweaty comp players? I dont have OP Perks or the addons for every killer, so i wonder if its fun again or do i have to sweat in every game

  3. You know what, agitation is really underrated. You can have such a good value from it in some games that just can slap them because they can become so useless, a survivor can't do anything and becomes a hindrance and from the killers perspective IT'S EEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ.


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