QUITTERS Are RUINING Dead by Daylight!!

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40 thoughts on “QUITTERS Are RUINING Dead by Daylight!!”

  1. For my personal experience DBD is currently at a shit state. From a new "upgraded" engine that makes my game lag so much to the point where it's unplayable (might aswell be my internet) to survivors quitting the game after a first hook at 2 gens left, but hey, atleast we got a reworked shop so we can put our money into BHVR's pockets, right? I had 3 games in a row where survivors just kill themselves on hook even tho we we're in a winning position. I highly doubt its fun for the killer when the survivors just give up because the game doesen't go exactly their way.

  2. Quitters should be matched more with players that have a similar attitude.

    Game should also have public/private stats that are like:

    S Games played: 13426
    S Games finished: 198
    Times escaped: 197
    Times killed: 13221
    K Games played: 0

    It should also have voice chat so the only way of communicating isnt just salty end game stuff

  3. Had a surv give up first hook and the other three managed to get to 1 gen and loop me pretty good. That 4K was easily a 0 or 1k if that dude didn’t give up, there really should be a karma or reputation system to punish that quitter behavior.

  4. Great video as always and i really liked the build because i love to run endgame builds on Trapper, since he is in his strongest form at the endgame and buffing that with perks is absolutely nasty! I run no way out and noed would be cool to see u use them or even make a full endgame build

  5. Sent you a little picture on insta ,while you were resetting trap at shack that little WEASEL Sable slip past you πŸ˜‚ Love To See It ❀

  6. Bro I been tryyyyin to lose a match and send it to you…. been 3 days of cheek clappin and a handful of 30 minute long "nut sweat fillin a bucket" matches and I got nothin to send you πŸ˜‚ I can't lose

  7. Yeah this game is just full of quitters, in the lobbies I get 8/10 times I hook someone for the first time they either kill themselves or straight up dc because I found them despite them bringing distortion and literally every other stealth perk in existence

  8. Game 1: Imagen being such a baby you have to quit against a trapper on ire of crows. Game 2: Still can't take the heat of trapper and then quit in basement also that p100 quitting like a baby.

  9. It's my birthday and my mom is going into surgery. I'm being honest in saying your videos are keeping me calm in this stupidly nerve racking situation. You're my inspiration, my reason for making trapper. Your content is genuinely one of the best parts of my day. Hope you're alright with all ur own stuff. Thank you QK.

  10. Aye ain't no way bruh man had the swagger of a Flamboyant scientist πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. I only dc when the game lags horrendously or my team doesn’t come save me I don’t get why people dc as survivor it’s so fun to get into chase

  12. Day 11 Of asking for a match with you on trapper or clown or preferably wraith with his pallet breaking add-ons and this build : Hubris,Enduring,Spirit Fury,Zanshin Tactics,or opt one for brutal strength, or blood favorπŸ˜….


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