My Headpop Sense Is Tingling… | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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17 thoughts on “My Headpop Sense Is Tingling… | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. Yeah survivors want their 5 seconds of DS back so they can make mistakes like crossing the killer and still make it to the next pallet.

    Survivor mistakes should not benefit the killer – Handbook entry 755 paragraph 7

  2. DS rework essentially just made it more realistic. Like if you got a DS in real life, would you want to take your chances lining yourself up directly in front of/cross over frim left to right side of your IRL assailant/killer? Nah bounce off and keep running that direction would be the play.
    Sounds dumb but maybe can help some of these salty survs in their echo chamber about losing DH as well.


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