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Get ready to delve into the depths of salt and madness through the mind of this survivor. You’ll be surprised by the extent of their …


28 thoughts on “SALTY SURVIVOR GETS INSANELY MAD FOR 48 HOURS | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Tbh he probably has to be the most sad and pathetic person I seen on dbd. Literally getting at mad over a game for 2 days straight then proceeds to call you the r word and delete his own comments to put the blame on you. tbh he probably did this before with someone I wouldn’t be Suprised if he did. Honestly this is how you know he really salty if he has to contradict himself and put the blame on someone else just because the argument and game didn’t go his way.

  2. Never seen someone that stubborn to not read the perks etc and blame someones connection and THEN proceed to spam your steam comments with utter shite. I hope that they've taken a step back from the help and focused on getting some selfcare. Nobody has a reason to be THAT mad over a video game

  3. I been subscribe for few day now but now after what that awful person said about you not being successful I try my best to support every video😊 I hope you have good day, your brave for not being bothered by what they said. I would have broke down

  4. Respect Brother, you responded very well on this delusional person , he is right if this game makes you so angry to the point you treathen people , take a break from. its just a game why do you have to be mad, great video aswell , keep it up!

  5. i honestly didnt see the ada tbag you in the beginning. their teammate? for getting shit on by a pig? arguably one of the weaker killers in the game? thats what i saw lmfao, idk man

  6. This video is a good way of letting people know that they should take mental breaks when they need it. We've all got our issues but there's a much less instigating way to go about venting them instead of exploding on someone uninvolved. Its refreshing that you put a more positive tune at the end of the video, it makes you feel pity on the guy instead of anger towards his disrespectfulness.

  7. jesus that guy has issues i honestly wonder if he acts like that to every player who downs him. Like can you imagine him sitting at his computer for hours harassing everyone on their steam profiles. Cause honestly thats the image i have of this guy. He teabagged a pig early game got downed and instead of learning from his mistake he projects all that pent up anger he has (where ever its coming from) and verbally attacks and harasses the player who out played him.

    In a game that has no win loss ratio system at that. Being this butt hurt and competitive is just so insane. Move on and play a game that doesnt raise your blood pressure.

    You responded insanely well zstormp im certain most wouldnt be able to put up with that. I personally woulda just out right blocked him after the first 2-3 messages.

  8. Did you report this guy to steam? Obviously you're not phased by it, but he was calling you a lot of shit and then went to suicide baiting you, that's behavior that does deserve a ban from steam to get it through their head that that isn't okay

  9. the silliest survs i had was them healing the person off the hook in a corner with just a downed palette to escape with. all THREE tried to vault and i got the one who was unhooked. called me a tunneler LMAO. i play both sides and honestly it can be frustrating but the best way to do it is to just kill ‘em with kindness. pisses em off bad.

  10. Delusion and narcissism in full display lmao. It's also crazy the amount of gaslighting and projection he's doing towards you. Nobody with a normal life would go that far to attack some one. That person definitely heard a lot of ''you will never amount to anything'' in his life

  11. Glad this video reached my recommended! It's my first from you and I am sorry this happened but you seem like an amazing person who absolutely has amounted to a ton! Don't let the negativity of people online get you down and keep up the amazing content!


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