Let's talk about "Made for This"… | Dead by Daylight

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“Made for This” has quickly climbed in popularity and seems to be the new most used Exhaustion perk. In this video I try to explain the different elements that make MFT so strong (and also suggest some changes to make it a bit more fair). Feel free to disagree, though!

00:00 Introduction
01:50 MFT: Distance Gained
03:11 MFT: Induced Mistakes
05:05 MFT: Endurance Effect
06:17 MFT: Uncertainty
08:27 MFT: Exhaustion Stacking
09:47 MFT: Extended Usage
11:57 MFT: Haste Stacking
13:14 MFT: Injured Issue
15:16 How would I change MFT?

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48 thoughts on “Let's talk about "Made for This"… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Made for This and all the new endurance perks put killers in lose lose situations unless you're already playing a winning killer. It has completely killed my desire to play and it's sucked all the enjoyment out of the summer BBQ event. I don't want to "win" all the time, that's why I play fun builds, not slowdown/lethality builds, but I've had constant impossible to win situations where MFT and Buckle Up prevent and chance of me doing anything. Endurance is too common, too easy to get, and defeats killer's only methods of doing anything in the end game. We're being pushed towards heavy slowdown and tunneling as the best strats…again. It's really sad. I love this game, I want to keep playing it, but it's just so demoralizing now to get nothing again and again

  2. I feel like I've lost so much of my skill even as nurse I can blink and normally I would've gotten the hit, but because of made for this I wasn't able to get a hit because I needed 0.1 extra speed. Then add on the brand new part buff.

  3. I'm onboard for the visual queue when it activates. It would be nice to know so you can adjust your playstyle. I just straight up HATE how you get no heads up as killer for things like this but a survivor knows every bit of information the moment it comes into play. Perks like Dissolution that have useful but not broken effects have SO MANY conditions for it to work (terror radius, time limit, injured survivor, activation delay) and on top of that the survivor gets a notification for it even before the actual effect occurs. Or hexes which are supposed to be high risk-high reward are bound to not only RNG but also give a notification to the survivors. It's just baffling how inconsisten the information is in this game.

  4. Im gold 2 (now idk if u get games with survivors and killers same rank as u but) I NEVER see anyone use made 4 this when im survivor but killer i see some. When i play killer i literally play against p100 and on survivor i play with p1 – 10 i hate solo q sadly i have no friends playing dbd on xbox

  5. I hope devs will watch this video as well.
    You should also mention Boon: Dark Theory, which gives similar effect (2% Haste) but nowadays is much worse alternative to Made for This because:
    – you have to set up boon, it takes time, when MFT is just set automatically during the chase
    – boon works on a limited distance, MFT works everywhere
    – 2% vs 3% – it's kinda joke
    It looks like devs forgot that this perk exists

  6. i started playing just before the singularity. I'm a new killer. I already had a hard time being placed with high prestige players that are 100 or close to it, where's the MMR in this game that is supposedly has. my overall level is 43 with no devotion none of my killers are over prestige 1 as im still trying to unlock skills as i don't even have perks unlocked to help counter this crap and i can't really unlock much because im make next to nothing in BP every match its legit just a revolving door of me getting smashed. seeing as i can't really catch anyone anymore or make bloodpoints i uninstalled the game and stop playing because it has become extremely unfun. also, the amount of times i do down someone and while I'm trying to find them on the ground to pick them up someone picks them up instantly with buckle up and they just run off in front off my face. that's depressing/infuriating. with all due respect F this game.

  7. Hope stacking with MFT is absolutely normal. Hope is dead slot for the most part of the game. If you want to change it, then lets just remove sped up from noed. Or make it that no way out blocks noed. So everything would be BaLaNcEd.

    Any argument about it making killer miss their timing is just babycrying of someone who does not want to change their gameplay. They make this game a stagnating piece of standart gameplay. And i dont want dbd to stagnate.

    MFT is in absolutely normal state. There is no need to nerf – just upgrade old survivor perks.

  8. I really don’t think this needs a change, I understand that the perk can cause a killer to easily waste time, but isn’t that what the perk is supposed to do? Also it stacking with hope isn’t all that powerful since 95% of the game the perk isn’t active, it gives a reward for making it to endgame. Most of the time you don’t even make it to end game. Also injured builds I think are fine especially with most of the killers having 1 hit add ons. Going against a good killer with those addons just eliminates healing in most situations, also not to mention mending simulator too especially if they’re running thanat

  9. honestly i think this perk needs the haste effect removed or a timer like off the record. all it does is counter screw over lower tier killers and imo that shouldnt be a thing

  10. Tell me again, ignorant survivors, how this game is killer sided 😉 I'm not even that good, but I can loop 90% of the killer roster for over 5mins with ease these days. Surely even the most ignorant understand this is a problem? 😉

  11. I definitely think the perk should do something like a smaller Overcome, and apply Exhaustion when injured. Not for long though, anywhere from 5-20 seconds. Just so if you want to stack Exhaustion perks, you'll have to spend some time recovering. Makes MFT much more of a strategic choice.

  12. I was thinking that maybe the perk could only activate when you are injured AND exhausted, while making you exhausted permanently. This stops the exhaustion stacking and possibly allows for the removal of the endurance. Also a visual indicator like everyone else is saying would be nice.

  13. I have to disagree with haste not stacking making things easier to balance. Prior to BT having been made basekit, haste sort off didn't stack(perks didn't stack, add-ons didn't stack, but perk+addon combo's did).

    Because you'd introduce problems with Clown, Guardian not stacking with basekit BT(effectively destroying a perk), and the game becomes unintuitive.

    Dark Theory is actually a good boon now, BECAUSE haste stacks. Without haste stacking, it's awful.

    Personally, my biggest peeve with this perk's haste effect are the following:
    1. It's active when deepwounded
    2. It's active after the final gen
    3. It's mainly affecting weaker killers.

    So my suggestion would actually to change the way Made For This is activated:
    When unhooked, Made For This is active untill you are fully healed.

    Now it's good for anti-tunneling, doesn't affect the early game as much as it does and can be played around by forcing survivors to heal up instead of exhausting them.

    It's not haste that is a problem, literally every other instance where Haste gets stacked is completely fine(most are based on unhooks). It's specifically this perk that can activate by simply using No Mither.

  14. In a game I just played made for this kinda screwed a Nick cage I was going against. Basically I just wanted my STBFL stack when he was unhooked but because of the speed I couldn't catch him til the base kit endurance ended 😂

  15. 6:02 Short answer: Because of content bloat. There are way too many perks in the game to the point where any new perks added have to not unintentionally combine with other perks to create game breaking combos.
    This has the consequence that most perks have to be made mediocre while strong perks will tend to stand out far more.

  16. not just that ill be honest ive switched what killers i use. some just cant keep up. several m1 killers that i enjoy just had to get shelved. (admittedly some of this is skill issue but still.) now i have switched to killers like clown where i can stack his addon to increase the hindered duration and strength on his bottles.

  17. When I see the Pebble in the lowest tier I always remember when only me and my friend remained in a match and I had a key (or map?) that shows aura of survivors. So when the killer started searching for us and I saw my friend hiding I threw the pebble at him, killer found him, killed him, and I found the hatch ☺ no regrets

  18. I think you may be blowing the actual effect of MFT out of proportion.

    Not trying to be rude, but i have only ever seen one corrdinated squad make use of MFT's endurance effectivly.

    To put it into perspective, I've seen an uprising of a very specific build as of late – Blood Pact, Plot Twist, Buckle Up and For The People.

    The fact that it works so well and gives endurance when you pick yourself up, and plot twist making the down side of FTP negligible at best…MFT just seems useless.

    The speed only TRULY effects M1 killers and frankly it's not hard to deal with, even on "weaker" killers like Pig in my opinion. It just takes more effort.

    It sounds dumb but I just assume every survivor is running it as a "5th Perk" 🤷🏻‍♂️ I play every chase as if MFT is always active regardless of if I know their perks or not.

  19. Could we get a video in the same style about noed?

    To be fair, noeds problems mostly come from the devs inconsistency

    But we have most of the same issues + a few others, as mentioned with mft in this video

    Constant pressure because you have no indicator during the game

    Hard to see before you get hit, so you make mistakes

    Its a hail marry to compensate for bad gameplay during early and mid

    You get a second effect which is super strong as well

    And its rng based if you have a chance to do something against it, since it can spawn literaly next to the killer

    My biggest complaint about noed has to do with "win" conditions

    If you ask 1000 killer players, almost all of them will tell you, for them 2 kills is a draw and 3 kills a win

    For survivors, obviously dying = insta loss

    Especially for newer players its even more so, because an escape gives approximately 7-10k more bloodpoints than dying

    Im already going to get hanged for this comment because "haha survivormain, q.q, get over it noob"
    Because thats what this community basically is

    But i genuinely think, noed would be much less of a problemm, if the defs finaly made a clear wincondition on both sides, and equal out the bloodpoint gain between all players

    And i will die on this hill, but if all 5 gens get completed, and 1 survivor escapes through the exit gate

    That should be counted as a win for all 4 survivors, and a loss for the killer

    Because, if thats not what they are balancing for, then the 60%+ killrate, is straight up wrong


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