They Called Cheats On My PERKLESS Huntress | Dead by Daylight

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Spicy Game that I wanted to highlight, I hope you enjoy some more Huntress Gameplay!

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21 thoughts on “They Called Cheats On My PERKLESS Huntress | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I find that whichever side is winning by a landslide tends to underestimate their opponent a lot more. I did a whole month of perkless killers back in Jan, and most of my game I won because my opponents just got too cocky. The only thing that caused me to stop doing perkless was my PSN account getting suspended for a week due to mass reporting, a large PS streamer accused me of cheating and sent people to mass report me.

  2. First saw this ominous player Hens333 when Shix made me aware that he's a good pub juker and a decent killer. I soon realised he was very good but something was incredibly fishy about him. As I watched some of his huntress matches I noticed quickly that this player is in fact cheating and not to be messed with. But I saw the opportunity to benefit of his cheats, so I suggested to the captain of my German comp team to pick him up and he has since won us a lot of matches with his overly skilled gameplay due to him clearly using third party programs to illegally increase vision and aim. Long story short, this man is obviously cheating and should be reported immediately to reduce further damage. And also report his cheating brother Gens666 if you can spare a minute. thx :))

  3. You have filters or something? Your game looks hella bright. I’d be salty too with all the hook proxy. (I haven’t watched the whole video yet.) But I have to say I think a LOT of dbd content creators do cheat.

  4. this reminds of a game i played today. caught the last survivor sneaking into a locker on bbq and he said i was cheating. i guess perks that read auras or running perkless is cheating these days.

  5. i mean you literally did several shots that you would never normally be able to do if you dont see them clearly. Both your chat and even yourself was amazed at some of the lucky guesses you would make. I have no shame in admitting id also think youd be cheating.


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