Every Killer Portrait Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight)

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Hey everyone, today we’re ranking the character portraits worst to best. Recently, or fairly recently, we got new portraits for the characters, and they’ve proven to be fairly divisive from what I’ve seen within the community. So, let’s rank them.

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Okay portraits 0:14
Average portraits 1:39
Good portraits 2:59
Great portraits 5:30
Amazing portraits 6:55
Outro 8:17


23 thoughts on “Every Killer Portrait Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. So many of these feel like theyre weirdly positioned, the survivors have it worse on average though, theyve got a lot of empty space. Cheryl especially bothers me since she looks like she's trying to sidle out of frame. In character, but awkward to look at.

    Pyramid Head's new one is better than his old one, given that unless you do something funky with the pose the portraits going to be 3/4th taken up by a rusty metal helmet. It's something that always makes me crack up when I see headshot line-ups of the cast. That one's good for me.

    With the Blight, I don't /mind/ the pose he's in now, its Fine, but its SUCH a downgrade from his old portrait. In that, his face is shadowed by the hood, and his only distinct facial features were his glowing eyes and dripping maw. It was so spooky. Yet, almost mournful? Like he's trying to hide the monster he'd become.

    Also i think Legion's portrait shouldve been them taking a group selfie.

  2. I think Freddy krueger and Michael Myers portraits are based off on behind the scenes images from there movies, tho specifically Freddy since that image of Robert englund Freddy in the Freddy make up with the glove up to his face with a creepy look is Iconic, Michael is a bit of a rough one, but I think its supposed to be that one behind the scenes image where Michael is looking from from the top of the stairs with his knife close his face, correct if I'm wrong for Michael but for Freddy 90% that is referenceing a behind the scenes images.

  3. I imagine Trapper in his portrait looks in that direction because when you're selecting characters from the store, trapper's portrait has him looking at the survivor's side.


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