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This video goes over every killer license that Behaviour could bring into Dead by Daylight as the new killer.
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Is…is that a damn velociraptor
Shit if darks souls is an option bring amygdala from bloodborne to dbd or basically any boss from that game
The franchises that are now missing from past surveys could be because they’ve already developed them for a chapter. We are getting big licences and this test is probably for future ones.
Can't believe no Chucky
This list made me cringe, yeah there's alot of good choices on there.
But who added crap like vampire diaries, American horror story, FNAF, M3gan, jurassic park..
These have to be jokes 😂 wasn't the trickster our joke killer?
a thing to note is that these could be for potential skins as well, a while back they did one of these surveys and attack on titan was among one of the franchises (from what i remember) and they ended up getting a skin licence in the game, so it could be possible for a lot of these to be skins for example clown getting a penny wise skin
I guess we know now they Schmuckles doesn't watch anime lol
The weirdest ip on the list is final fantasy. Not only is the 16 + games for final fantasy but its rarely seen as a horror game to people like sephiroth would fit nicely as a killer but having survivors who have powers to would be weird lol
They had a ton of different horror anime, mangas, comics, tv, movies and games. I'm hoping for Parasyte lol
If they had a quarry crossover, they would have every camp counselor as a survivor and then the thing that tries to kill them is the killer
Subnautica chapter when?
I think a Killer from the Parasyte would be pretty epic, there is a lot of cool gore infested anime franchises out there to choose from.
Little nightmares with a more "realistic" looking survivor is so niche but would he so cool
The lipstick face demon from insidious would be awesome.
Wednesday as a survivor would be awesome bring jenna ortega in game
Imagine mads mikkelsen as a killer omfg😭😭😭✨✨✨✨✨
Bro we need art the clown why Is he not on that list
Bro A Wednesday chapter lol
i want keanu reeves as a killer
I think they don't ask for some license because they already they already have sn idea on how many people want for example the walking dead
I'd love Outlast or Until Dawn being added tho I wish it was The Quarry instead but I'm not arguing if we get Mike Munroe or Sebastian.
Yea we need dinos
Trick r treat would be dope aff or insidious
Tomb raider should have a perk that spawns a key in chest when killer close a hatch
A fucking dinosaur. Fr?
Little Nightmares would be so cool
Jurassic Park is cool but how would they even carry a survivor It’s not like they can just put them on there back and they can’t carry survivors with their hands because they only go in one way around their hands are not flexible The only other option would be their mouths, but how would they even get them on a hook it’s not like they could just throw them on a hook because then they would have to get incredibly lucky to place them on a hook or they were just fall in the ground or the other option They could just eat them 😐
Broooo i want art 😢
Imagine running from indoraptor or velociraptor on DBD as Chris Pratt. I'd love
Patrick Bateman 🗿
Okay Portal is such an iconic game, both are, and honestly seeing either GLADos or Wheatley would be so interesting to me! I was shocked to see that one
Big sad that Art The Clown isn't on the list 🙁
We already know the people who made Terrifier would be super down for him to be in Dead By Daylight. I've still got high hopes for him cuz it'd be such a fun surprise. Man, he doesn't even have to be a full killer. It could just be an Art Legendary skin for The Clown with Sienna from the sequel on Kate or something.
a doom chapter would go hard
i hope we get a ahs chapter oder a new st chapter
It Would be nice if Klaus from Vampire diaries came to DBD imagine being chased By a Vampire who turns After a chase into a Werwolf
Big Daddy from Bioshock would be so sick
portal and 40k 🤤🤤🤤
They need Patrick Bateman
I would love to see jurassic park in dbd
As soon as I saw Tokyo Ghoul as an option on the survey, I wrote a three paragraph description of suggestions for it, such as Kaneki being the killer and his power is stages of kakuja that can be increased by feasting on survivors
happy to see MORTAL KOMBAT in there. SHAO KAHN would be a awesome KILLER in DBD.
Why is conjuring on both film and video games? Is there a video game with figures from the Conjuring movies?
imagine Scorpion as a killer 🤗
i could think of Dio as a pretty good idea for a killer, when you lunge The Worlds arm swings for a punch, maybe his ability would be to gain distance with time stop, or throw knives with time stop but be a slower killer overall
I would love Richard Tragar from outlast as a killer.
They switched Half-life out with Portal…… Which is still technically Half-Life