The moment these survivors have to sweat from there soyboy pussies it’s a problem, but it’s up to us killers to sweat our balls off every damn game. Fuck that!!! Learn to face a challenge and improve.
10:18 salty, sore, selfish, i cant figure out what words describe these survivors best. Are we sure these survivors arent 6 year olds that figured out the password to unlock their parent's game? Cuz they sure be throwing tantrums like one dont they?
13:18 man its like wheres the fun in that right? Too many of these high MMR survivors out here playing like they're in a tournament to get paid.These are the same people that try to get you to join their party when everyone in the lobby solo queued. I made the mistake of joining once, we wanted to test out some new headphones, and they have the nerve to tell you to switch up your build for a meta one so they can win…. "Bitch i brought my treasure hunter build because i want to play treasure hunter, fuck your fake tournament win"…. They reported me as trying to help the killer because of it. After that I'm done playing survivors
In Call of Duty mobile when people quit a ranked match early they get banned for a period of time. Behavior needs to implement a ban system for these quitters or something.
I like how the devs compared dbd to hockey when it seems to be more akin to baseball. One error and that can lose you an entire game, meanwhile if your offense and defense is up to snuff you ain't losing.
Quiet my boy runnin around as a 1 foot midget yessir
quietkills who do you think is stronger? knight or plague?
I been missing the pig play dawg you made me a pig main cause I watched you when I first started playing and took the number 1 pig main thing serious

Video idea Let your fans send you clips and you react to them and give tips you been in the game longer than me I know definitely
Doesn’t matter the size of quitekills… he’s WIPING THE ENTIRE LOBBY!
Lowkey, chunky was the first very good killer bhvr made in a while
Don't fuck with the Chuck !
The moment these survivors have to sweat from there soyboy pussies it’s a problem, but it’s up to us killers to sweat our balls off every damn game. Fuck that!!! Learn to face a challenge and improve.
This guy is better than noob3
I been running hard hat and running shoes cant let go those addon dont even need to worry about breaking pallets
Sweatball McGraw greasing assholes on a Tuesday afternoon is top tier
If I go up against you . You’re gonna show me some sympathy?

Who would u main if u were to main a killer?
Never seen anything like this before. Those rage quits are crazy !
I'm saying, if they're gonna keep the dogshit auto aim let us at least get the option to turn it off
I'm gonna have to double check. But i think ELITExPOTATOx is potato legion.
Playing as myself is so fun
QK: I love killing you people. SNIFFS LISTENS
10:18 salty, sore, selfish, i cant figure out what words describe these survivors best. Are we sure these survivors arent 6 year olds that figured out the password to unlock their parent's game? Cuz they sure be throwing tantrums like one dont they?
Weren't you trash like 8hrs ago lol. Heading out to basics January 4th. Going to miss these videos
Quiet kills can't miss wit chucky
13:18 man its like wheres the fun in that right? Too many of these high MMR survivors out here playing like they're in a tournament to get paid.These are the same people that try to get you to join their party when everyone in the lobby solo queued.
I made the mistake of joining once, we wanted to test out some new headphones, and they have the nerve to tell you to switch up your build for a meta one so they can win….
"Bitch i brought my treasure hunter build because i want to play treasure hunter, fuck your fake tournament win"….
They reported me as trying to help the killer because of it. After that I'm done playing survivors
Bro when u start yelling that shit be funny asf
A lot of people just instant dc against chucky and it sucks when you’re playing survivor because you’re just screwed. Like it’s me and 3 bots lol
Facts, don’t use chucky as a reason as to why they are leaving, me and my friends went against a good chucky yesterday and escaped with 2 of us
Looking forward to more nurse vids from you, I've also been trying to get better with her
In Call of Duty mobile when people quit a ranked match early they get banned for a period of time. Behavior needs to implement a ban system for these quitters or something.
The best ability is the swerve around the body block with slice and dice…it’s so satisfying
dude i know you speed run these boys, but they be speed running themselves at this point its sad
any plans for a knight video in the future?
Bro is just cleaning up the trash at this rate
Any wesker vids soon ? We want to see those horrible dashes
Entitled little babies ruin multiplayer games. Happens in every game I play.

I like how the devs compared dbd to hockey when it seems to be more akin to baseball. One error and that can lose you an entire game, meanwhile if your offense and defense is up to snuff you ain't losing.
do u see how chucky flips people off
yooo why is your cashapp called undressingangels
Great work, love the chucky games.
I’d love to see some thick booty plague game play
What camera do you use ?
Fantastic comeback! Let’s GOOO!
Sometimes survivors quit because other survivors are trolling