Exactly How MMR is Calculated in DBD – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews skill-based matchmaking and how it’s calculated in Dead by Daylight. MMR is the new way to generate lobbies for killers and survivors in DBD.

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32 thoughts on “Exactly How MMR is Calculated in DBD – Dead by Daylight”

  1. One downside to this system is that it puts variance in each players play fully on show. If a killer beings meta addons and red addons just once every so often, then surviving that match is going to be almost impossible. And vice versa for survivors.

    It would be nice if the maps and things you could bring were less nuclear so that this wasnt as big of a deal, but id rather see the actual game mechanics change than the mmr.

  2. Thoughts? This system was built by braindead idiots with no thought whatsoever on how the game is played. So ranking up as survivor takes literally no skill at all. It defeats the team aspect and encourages selfish gameplay. Tbh, idgaf what my mmr is based on this system.

  3. So basically what your saying is if every survivor escapes with 2 hooks, the game thinks I suck and gives me little to no mmr. Wow and that's how BHVR treats killers for just trying to be a chad who doesn't tunnel even if he's losing.

  4. 1st time killer and i am going vs the same sweat SWF, the system is broken, i lose many game in a row because of rift(farming the 40 gen kick and these stupid challenges) and still vs the same players, what is wrong?

  5. I don't think we will see their MMR system really start to work until players have been playing against each other for a few months for it to adjust as our initial MMR score was based on how we did with the old ranking system I believe.

  6. So glad to have something explaining the MMR system! It’s interesting to find out that hatch is a null value. So if you are the only survivor left and you don’t want to get more difficult games, hatch helps you stay at your current MMR. Thank you for some great info! Your content is always the best!

  7. As a killer, I find that I get flipped matches every game, I lose terribly because of a SWF, then the next game I get brain dead survivors, etc. Maybe I am on the edge of being a "good killer" and every time I lose, I am sent back to the "bad killer" MMR.

    As a survivor, I get even matches, even if I get camped or tunneled, I think the killer is equal in skill. If anything, I find that my teammates are the ones that don't belong in the lobby. While they hide in lockers, the killer is chasing me for at least three minutes!

  8. Though to make a true MMR system on a game that is so patchworked together. We can't expect much when some basics of the game don't even exist – like what a win condition actually is. This breakdown clarifies what counts as a win for MMR, but you pointed out how flawed that idea of a win is.

  9. If there not gonna take into consideration your actual Skill in the game they should stick to the levelling system. Other wise thers no point in developing it it works the Same as more leveling systems do Thers no difference. And why don’t hatch escapes give anything I mean your survived To be the last one that should count for something….

  10. If this is true I'm doomed. The past several days I've been escaping match after match after match… How? Because I keep running into afk or friendly killers who refuse to hit much less hook, and since I don't want to get a disconnect penalty I have to wait it out. Only reason I dont let the entity kill me is due to it taking too long in endgame but i now realize I'll have to.

  11. i think perks should play a role in it too. Some killers with specific perks are so much stronger even on i guess their mmr lvl and i guess this could be applied for survivors too

    btw can you make a video about the license situation of buffy summers? <3

  12. I think the current mmr system is bad. It doesn't account for nearly enough of the variables that go into a match. If a killer gets every survivor on 2 hooks and injured but they escape that's still 8 hooks and nearly killing the whole team. Not taken into consideration. All the second chance perks and item survivors can bring not taken into consideration. Gen slow down and aura reading perks etc, also not taken into consideration. I also really don't like that mmr is a hidden value. I want to atleast somewhat have an idea of my skill level and grades ain't doing it for me.

  13. One thing that I do appreciate with the new MMR system, is that if I play a killer I'm practising with I won't go up against insane survivors right off the bat and I'm gonna have to deal with getting seriously stressed and pissed off for many games😅


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