Explaining Fog Whisperers, Consultants, And What They Should Do – Dead by Daylight

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25 thoughts on “Explaining Fog Whisperers, Consultants, And What They Should Do – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is a well argued video; consultants COULD do a lot of good for the game, but with BHVR's track record and the little we know about the role, it's unclear it ever will. BHVR absolutely do spend way too much time and resources pursuing poorly thought out and sometimes downright baffling changes. There will always be things that slip by, a bad patch here or there, but they should be working to improve their internal processes and preventing bad ideas from getting so far along in development. No matter how hard you polish a turd, it'll still be shit.

  2. Now the cat´s out of the bag and those "consultants" became public knowledge… With how misunderstood was Fog Whisperer program in the community and even among some of its more passionate members who actually tried to make a difference, it also rendered an entire program useless. (It technically was always useless, it just wasn´t obvious to many.) So many of them are not even bigger scale streamers, so the actual "promotion" rests on the shoulders of the biggest few. And we can safely bet that most of the community is not capable of naming more than two biggest fog whisperers anyway (those they would know even if they weren't part of it). I know I can barely come up with 3 names in total, and the rest are just kind of there, like a useless figurine whose only purpose is to look good for a very small niche or create a typical positive corporate background facade.
    Quite a promotion that is.

    The way I see it, some fog whisperers were actually passionate and attempted to push further beyond this sorry role and try to make a difference. What did they get for that? Ignorance from one side, hate or blame from the other. Sure they were naive if they thought, that BHVR would actually care about that. It was after all proven many times, that this is just a corporate facade with no real effect on anything. And the narcissistic attitude of "we took time to make this bad idea so now you are stuck with it in some form" is the only thing that matters most of the time. Spooky did a good thing he noped out, now that parts of that facade fell off.

    But so are naive those people who think that these consultants will make a difference. They didn´t make it in the past, and will not make any in the future. They are ignored just as fog whisperers. So, time to ask ourselves the nasty question of what are these consultants really? Nothing but a public scapegoat for our deranged community that has its brain rotten with us vs them beyond belief. It was a smart decision from BHVR to make them public because now these people will be getting part of that hate because from now on, there will always be the public unspoken question in the air: "How could consultants think it is okay?"

  3. Goddam!!! Ive been a playtester for 30yrs now and only found out today i can call myself a "consultant" it does sound better but its all the same. Undependant contractor under nda hired to give feedback on unreleased content or balance change!!! 😮

  4. oh, now i understand this whole situation, i think. I am not super in touch with all the whats happening with bhvr and dbd, so i never try ptb for example. I am just enjoying playing dbd for months every year or so. (1900 hrs and i play since the beginning)
    Just the recent days videos popped up about people ranting about fog whisperers without even explaining what the issue is ^^

    In the end, i think this whole consultant thing seems pretty okay, i mean, it seems like the program is pretty new so was there even a chance for them to be consulted when bhvr decided to "shoot someone"? Sounds to me like any input from outside the devteam might be positive for the game itself and with that concept you drew, bhvr still keeps basicly the freedom to do what they want. Sure, it might be kinda late in the process when the consultants are… consulted, but i think consult them too early and too many good ideas would be scrapped and it might even interupt the 3 months cycle for new killers / survivors.

  5. positive is subjective, what he really means is that you cant have your own subjective opinion while being a fog whisperer and you must follow and share their subjective opinion as a fog whisperer and if you dont, you'll lose your spot.

  6. I mean I agree that early Corrective Action (not the perk) is crucial to fix the issues DbD still has, but also
    Consultants aren't even BHVR employees, they will never get to the be "original idea" guys. Playtesters dont get a major word in design sadly.
    Solution? Renew the conceptual deparment and also the maps deparment, also they should hire me and the salary should be one million sonic rings.

  7. Hey, Scott! We've heard you, and we do agree that the current consultant system might not be in the best interests of the community. Sadly, as you are not a part of the consultant program, we do not care.

    Happy killing,


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