F–K The Survivor Rulebook | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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41 thoughts on “F–K The Survivor Rulebook | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. Honestly been doing this more and more as killer fuck trying to be nice I see one boon it's over I'm going to face camp so you can't get easy value for me playing the game normally

  2. Ggs bro, im a survi main that love to see a killer trying to win! Fk that stpid rule book, do ur best to win, killers need to tunnel and camp to get 1 or 2 kills against good survi. If they play by the rule book they get 1 or 2 hooks and thats boring for me. I also play killer and dont give a sht about the rule book haha

  3. Day ends with Y … time to face camp!

    (I love you CM, but that was my initial reaction to hearing you saying you would face camp after hearing two boons. I wasn't aware you needed a reason other than "it would be funny!")

  4. There needs to be more streamers like this guy. He takes shit from nobody and plays only according to his own rules, no one else's. He urges everyone to do the same. The game is so much more fun that way and it sucks how a lot of streamers think playing according to the survivor rulebook will save them face when they're just serving as a bad example to killers who regularly have trouble with this game.

  5. There are definitely moments when I play killer where I would benefit greatly from camping. But somehow I’ve taught my brain to play the way I want killers to play when I’m the survivor, even though it is kinda funny when survivors get pissy over nothing once the game is over

  6. When I play Survivor, if I run a sabo build I expect to get tunneled and camped. What good reason does the killer have to keep letting me prevent his hooks? If I play killer and a Survivor with a medkit keeps taking protection hits, I prioritize them. Why would I let them make things harder for me? Basement Bubba is one thing, but that doesn't mean that a killer who camps or tunnels is always a bad killer just throwing the game cause they don't know how to chase. In the majority of games, working on gens has never gotten anybody camped. If you aren't focused on repairing gens and opening the exit gates, then your obviously disrupting the normal gameplay loop. Why anybody thinks they are entitled to the opportunity to derail someone else's plan without them making any attempt to stop it is bizarre to me.

  7. i play killer and survivor and i gotta say: your sense of honor is VERY different depending on if you're a surv or a killer. as a killer, i hate going against headon and blast mine, but as survivor, they're really fun to use. my overall code is this: you can play toxic but or be toxic but not both. if i chain headon into ds into flashbang into blastmine, its my duty to be polite in endgame chat and if i get facecamped for my asshattery, i can smile and say "yeah, i deserve this."
    as killer, if the enemy isn't playing like assholes i'll try to do the same, but if i even suspect a bullysquad, there will be no mercy and no way to beg for it. unless its clear you're the soloq in a 3man bully swf. then you live.

  8. honestly as soon as they knew he was face camping if someone had the hook timer perk they should've used it and got back on their gens or did their hats it's their fault completely that they lost to someone camping I do it all the time…


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