The Jerks Guide To The Spirit | Dead By Daylight

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Meet Rin Yamaoka. She’s The Spirit and she’s very angry and she also is a good story as to why you should never try to murder your dad.



50 thoughts on “The Jerks Guide To The Spirit | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I don't know why this bothers me so much
    she's an onryo yurei, literally a vengeful female spirit (as classic as the oni) it makes perfect sense for her to look angry? and your example yurei's weren't emotionless robots with no understanding? they were in a murderous rage and extremely vengeful for being wronged in life too

  2. I wanna say, SMOL criticism, most onryō and effectively, ghosts in early 2000s movies, are rage filled. Kayako from the grudge created a curse because of her rage. It's one of the two reasons she didn't pass on. Same with sadako/samara from the ring. Pure rage.

  3. This doesn't have much to do with the video, but what if Hex totems are dull until 2 gens have finished, and then they activate and can't be broken? It wouldn't work with some totems like Devour hope, but it would make totems less frustrating to use while also being a decent counter to gen rushing.

  4. The passive phasing , as a survivor that faces spirit quite a good amount of times , let me explain , when you are looping her around a pallet , she seems to disappear and reappear while moving, so it’s much more difficult to tell if she’s gonna double back or stay the same course chasing you , your confusion and that split second hesitation you are in one spot trying to figure out which side of the pallet she’s heading will help her close the distance and land a hit on you , typically a lunge attack . She’s basically harder to see and read because she’s flickering with disappearing and reappearing , making her mind games way more effective.


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