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Face camping SALTY Twitch Streamer Bubba vs Salty ACE! | Dead by Daylight
What do you guys think?
Is it okay to be upset over a basement camping bubba?
Did the Bubba have the right to be proud of what he did?
Who was the real winner here?!
Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (1:38)
Salt (5:55)
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
I just don't get how the streamer says that Ace is beaten since the streamer played a killer where you lose instantly if he catches you only once and camps you? And even on a killer sided map. That bubba played insanely bad. That high ego of him is just laughable ngl
Such first world problems. Its just a game children.
Bubba doing gods work
Spud how many times do I got to tell you it’s very insulting when you call stupid players doughnuts -_-
Basement bubba trolling is fine imo(not enjoyable but fine). It's just how much the dude talked shit at the end that don't quite sit with me. I mean yeah you got him no need to rub it in his face.
Both the streamer and the Ace were ridiculous in my opinion.
It's actually quite funny that you could slightly hear the music of the fanmade legion chase music in the introduction. Anyway, as always, lovely vid – keep it up spud
I mean it was clear he would run it half the game, Rajoy was always a runner
Potato: I am not going to stir the pot
1 min later
Potato: 1v1 cowshed
I love how he brings joy and laughter to all of us
Thing is with face/basement camping, altruism kills. (Also why I run kindred when I soloq) if someone goes in and they get knocked within 5-10 seconds of unhooking, I just do gens while they are both on hook as that's the best way to counter it. Sure they might get 1-2 kills but if you play it right going against someone fully face camping or basement camping won't lead to a 4k
You just need to understand when and when not to unhook in general based not just against campers. One time I was face camping 1 guy with proxy camping 2 others, the last guy just sat back and waited for them to for so they could get hatch because they knew they couldn't unhook anyone
As a survivor, when I see an insidious camping bubba, I know the only solution is to genrush him to coax him out. If he doesn’t take the bait he doesn’t take the bait; this game isn’t “see you in the morning” it’s “dead by daylight”. Not everyone is always gonna make it out. If he wants to camp, punish him for it in the wallet.
I don't mind camping on killers that there are counterplay against or something that a survivor can do but against bubba there is not any counterplay for survivors to play around. Anyone can play however they want to but I think with bubba the fact that if bubba just catches you and camps you it just becomes an impossible situation for survivors. Before anyone says anything I am a straight killer main who is saying this by the way.
Ahh. So this is the game that sprouted that Chase question you asked.
Gotta love the face camping bubbas at high MMR
S Tier salt, and art at end <3
1 vs 1 of us 1 of us 1 of us!!!!
Bro that sudden South Park clip almost had me choke on my drink LMAO
Basement Bubba is fine and very easy to counter.
I would say there was a lot more salt and arrogance coming from the TTV this time around.
He talkin' a lot of crap for a guy who got looped for four gens and only got one hook all game.
If he can't loop, it's probably not in his best interest to raise his MMR by getting basement Bubba kills as he's going to run into people that will loop him all 5 gens and then he'll complain about toxic gen rushers and how survivors are OP etc.
But hey, it will make for more salt content to watch in the future.🤣🤣🤣
Same thing kinda happened to me yesterday evening, the map was dead dawg, it was an onryo/ringu girl, she goes for me downs me places me on the hook I get rescued like 10 seconds later and the yui just volts off leaving the onryo chasing me eventually getting another down and that would be my 2nd hook now this time nobody comes to save me bc the survivors know she was still in the area, Leaving me to die on 2nd hook.
Ik I might have been a little bit tunneled but I'm not gonna act AT ALL like this ace he wanted attention and that's what he got lol.
The killer got ran all game and finally got 1 kill the entire game and he's acting like he's good. Kind of embarrassing to talk like he did after that game. Killing someone after them looping you all game isn't impressive.
I honestly couldn't care less about Bubba camping. However, man's had an ego and was salting harder than the survivor. Don't have an ego when you threw the game for 1 survivor
Basement Bubba is best Bubba.
I prefer when I versed you as Bubba on Dead Dawg; parkouring around just for you <3
Shout outs to all my based killer kings who will willingly throw the game just to make survivors like this m a l d
those guys knew potatolegion and put on an act to get on youtube
noone else would have said cutie there
I don't really care if people have beef in a video game…we all don't know what happened before that. But one thing is 100% certain: playing insidious basement bubba automatically makes any player the lowest scum possible, no excuses.
This feels like an ancient DBD rivalry since it's inception. These guys sound like they have played more then just two games together. LMAO! 🤣
Any basement bubba player is just lame, ace was totally right
Nice outro! You owe clown royalties for that idea.
Most of the people don’t know most of the Twitch player in this games are esp hackers watch his survivor gameplay carefully he knows everything where killer are 😅
"1 vs 1 cowshed"
Damn Potato farming more salt than me farming bloodpoints with 5 cakes
"How often does this actually happen"
3 mins later: This is the second basement Bubba today
Hahaha that Randy edit got me 😂😂😂
not surprised he didn’t want the 1v1 ace would’ve cooked him again
how are you basement camping bubba and thinking you “won” by getting 1 survivor? that’s an L if i’ve ever seen one and even worse is that it’s a streamer. content must be amazing 😭😂
It happens 50% of my games, so it way too often to be remotely enjoyably
That Bubba needs to quit. His entitlement just screams, "I'm bad at this game; I'm intentionally playing a 'throw the game away' build and getting mad at the one Survivor I got both games." This is why I get major props from Survivors when I play a non-camping Bubba. lol
Imma just put this out there…..Ace only ran the killer 3 gens and got camped 2 gens.
And btw, we can complain about killers camping and tunneling all we want, but it doesn’t do anything for anyone. Developers have stated it’s a strategy and can’t be banned.
your editing in this clips are excellent xD