all i seen was tunneling like every other killer that thinks they have skill , tunnel/camp its funny to because u prolly think u did something with those pussy perks an tunneling lmao not !!
Was bubba on wreckers yard 1 gen left ,had one on shoulder, came up to to 2 survivors committing to the last gen, (bare in mind I had been showing off agi and mad grit the whole game) they both committed to the gen, downed one downed the other and the other went for a cheeky instant unhook and downed him, peoples brains turn off against this build
I really hate it when survivors unhook someone while the killer is carrying someone so close… AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL HE'S FURTHER AWAY. Make him work for his hooks.
I need this build
Why is everyone running this build now
I need to start playing billy
Ok I have to use this build before they nerf it by giving survivors the ability to fly or something…
Hewwo, sensei, what do you thinking about incoming Trickster's gates perk buff? Will you check it out with Blood Warden?
iron grasp, agitation, mad grit. the perfect bullying build
They are so used to do this that after unhook they Just stand there bodyblocking with BT lol
I would be scared to have you as my killer
Always amazes me how survivors do this crap even while at 5 gens.
Ur spoiling us
i was expecting a blood warden vid but i got something better. fuck clicky clickies
had a game just now with a red rank spamming left clicks on flash, i camped him and all other survivors sat there to watch him die, it was amazing.
So everybody lost the game because of an ambitious Felix. Also I really like the build, it looks fun when the Mad Grit hits start piling up
you are a fucking god at the game
all i seen was tunneling like every other killer that thinks they have skill , tunnel/camp its funny to because u prolly think u did something with those pussy perks an tunneling lmao not !!
As a non Felix haver. We don't claim him we're handing that thing to the megs
Was bubba on wreckers yard 1 gen left ,had one on shoulder, came up to to 2 survivors committing to the last gen, (bare in mind I had been showing off agi and mad grit the whole game) they both committed to the gen, downed one downed the other and the other went for a cheeky instant unhook and downed him, peoples brains turn off against this build
People still don’t know how mad grit works huh
I wonder why he prefers Iron Grasp over Starstruck. Seems like it'd be better.
Legend says Kate's still wiggling to this day
The title is sus
Can we see full games like this or do you maybe have a second
What’s with you and your constant mad grit plays
Benjo on fire.
Is this on low quality settings or has dbd always looked this untextured?
just. hold. W.
After it's happened 4 times before you would think they may learn that you have mad grit but nope apparently not
This will never stop being satisfying to watch xD
Benjo , when are you gonna make a discord server ?
Those hacks right there….
Those are years of practice (more like just 200 hours)
Yep half of my games is this and the other half having to sweat my balls off. fun game
I really hate it when survivors unhook someone while the killer is carrying someone so close… AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL HE'S FURTHER AWAY. Make him work for his hooks.