Felix gets too excited with his new toy – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Mad grit vs flashlight. You know how this ends…
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips


34 thoughts on “Felix gets too excited with his new toy – Dead By Daylight”

  1. all i seen was tunneling like every other killer that thinks they have skill , tunnel/camp its funny to because u prolly think u did something with those pussy perks an tunneling lmao not !!

  2. Was bubba on wreckers yard 1 gen left ,had one on shoulder, came up to to 2 survivors committing to the last gen, (bare in mind I had been showing off agi and mad grit the whole game) they both committed to the gen, downed one downed the other and the other went for a cheeky instant unhook and downed him, peoples brains turn off against this build

  3. I really hate it when survivors unhook someone while the killer is carrying someone so close… AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL HE'S FURTHER AWAY. Make him work for his hooks.


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