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22 thoughts on “SIGULARITY IS INSANLY OP NOW LOL Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Would be interesting to see how he does against better survivors, these just kept running to nothing and barely using emps. But he probably won't make it to live like this.

  2. Sth I’ve noticed: the changes to emp crates make bots almost never pick them up. Used to be forced to run Requisition Form vs bots to combat them constantly emping (not sure why it did stop them but it did) now you don’t

  3. At 3:34 this is the craziest part of this buff. You can go from casually checking cameras to in chase, interrupting a heal, ON TOP of a survivor, with 3% haste, all the way across the map, when you had no idea they’d be there. It’s killer autopilot

  4. That auto aim in biopods and when out of the bio pod just bothers me so much its so easy the fact the devs hate hard killers and make them more accessible cause people refuse to learn Singularity, the amount of people i see say finally i can play Singularity now cause he’s easy want the easy way to learn them on baby mode, the day that Wesker or unknown get easier im done with dbd.

  5. what makes this one buff so crazy is that the biggest downsides of playing singularity is accidentally toggling to the wrong camera (when they are aligned behind one another) and after toggling to a camera, QUICKLY snapping to aim at the survivor. With the camera AUTO aiming at the survivor, theres gonna be a lot of singularity players performing well with little effort, so the skilled singularities (current live version) will now have a lesser skill ceiling killer cause of this.

  6. Just to be clear, you spent 8 minutes talking about how it’s better to not justify your reasoning because people will argue instead of just saying something along the lines of, “it just makes the killer brainless”. Pretty good example could be like “imagine if in rainbow six the cameras always locked onto operators”

  7. I heard that quote before and honestly yea I am just gonna not care. I spend too much time trying to explain things to stupid people that don’t want to change their mind and it’s obvious. They base their logic off of feelings.


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