FELIX VS NURSE! THE BIG CARRY! – Dead by Daylight!

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17 thoughts on “FELIX VS NURSE! THE BIG CARRY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru is kinda delusional. The most he did was keep the upper floor occupied for his chase. I'm sure the other survivors were trying to do those gens but kept having to dodge the parade going on. Giving the nurse free pressure. And 2 of the last remaining gen were the upstairs gens that he circled the nurse around 3 times! Imagine that. Tru also had zero saves.

    So let me break this down. 1 person in chase, 1 person on hook, 1 person going for the save, and 1 person on gens at best. And as he complains about his team's gen work, he gets on Laurie's gen to find a lot of progress. Where was Laurie? Getting chased off. I would be so lucky to have a team all above 22K points WITH a death. But somehow Tru thinks he carried everything.

  2. If True is saying, that old Undying was fine, then I am glad he is not responsible for balancing the game. I am killer main, but playing solo survivor and destroying undying 4 times just for Ruin to be still up was terrible. I agree, that they nerfed it too much. It still should be usable 2 times instead of 1, but it is still worth using. If your totem was spawned in a shitty place, there is still chance that the second spawn will be well hidden.

  3. I enjoy stealth killers a lot when playing. I get that against higher ranked players, I'd be screwed because I am casual and haven't really put much grind in to get the perks for each survivor/killer on all characters and then there's add-ons which I'm assuming require just regrinding unless bloodwebs don't need to be prestiged to keep earning add-ons and items. Only character I have close to reaching a point that I could prestige is Nea and I don't play survivor much anymore cause friends won't play anymore after a game where a guy who occasionally joins an plays with us basically wanted to show off as killer despite only prior experience was doing infinite tier 3 meyers when no one knew wtf was going on in the game. I had seen stuff but didn't understand it. Anyways, he attempted to try another cheese tactic that works against noobies and this time I had put time in on both sides and watched closely on what perks and stuff do as well as google them and so he got the other 3 and would try to get in my head only for me to prove him wrong. I escaped because he didn't understand the Doctors map and made him look foolish by doing things that anyone who played the map prior would know.

  4. Laurie: does final gen to 80% and takes chase so Tru3 can run around complaining about no one doing another gen

    Tru3: does the last bit of repair— "I did it. You're welcome, everybody"

    xD His frustration was kiiiiiind of justified, but it blinded him to the fact that Laurie did a good bit, including taking the Nurse off of him when he was going to martyr himself.

  5. You just never know how much you're going to have to adapt when you play vs. a nurse. If they're really good, you're screwed, but you can possibly drag things out with Dead Hard. But if they aren't very experienced, they'll make bad reads consistently, and she is 90% movement speed, so every miss is very punishing. Midwich is pretty frustrating to play for both killer and survivor. Gens are hard to find, and totems are worse. It's just a pretty un-fun map all the way around.


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