Finally a GOOD CHAPTER! – PTB Review 7.0.0 DBD

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This is my subjective review of the new PTB of Dead By Daylight, patch 7.0.0 introducing The Singularity and Gabriel Soma, both amazing additions to the Entity’s Realm!

00:00 Power Explanation
03:30 Pros and Cons
5:35 Genetic Limits Perk
5:56 Forced Hesitation Perk
6:30 Machine Learning Perk
06:48 Gabriel Soma Review
07:12 Scavenger Perk
08:22 Made for this Perk
09:04 Troubleshooter Perk
09:35 New Map
10:20 Overall Opinion
12:07 Singularity Mori
13:16 Pyramid Head Buffs
13:59 Random Perks Buffs

#intothefog #dbd


36 thoughts on “Finally a GOOD CHAPTER! – PTB Review 7.0.0 DBD”

  1. Just a Quick, basic video reviewing the new chapter. I am very, very happy with it! It has some flaws, especially with the map, certain perks and the EMP counter for survivors, but overall this chapter is WELL DESIGNED!! Finally!! I cannot wait to play Singularity live 😀

    The video didn't get any crazy editing (Not even music) because I am still oversaturated with the edition of my last two videos (The cringe tournament and the iceberg) as they took a massive amount of time to make. So I wanted to make something chill for those of you that want to know my personal opinion about this PTB 😀

  2. I'm okay with Pyramid Head's infection applying with his power (like how many other killers), but it needs countering like RE killers/Singularity/Plague, or a short, timed meter

  3. good video, but i guess hook camping with the singularity shouldn't be a problem once the new anti face camping mechanic was finally added into the game because you would be able to unhook yourself. the only problem i see there is that standing right next to the hook while controlling one of its bipods far away the singularity might count as far from the hook and therefore make it possible to abuse a perk like make your choice like the knight could at the beginning. hopefully this doesn't turn out to be the case.

  4. punishment of the damned buff is pretty huge, but I find his power to be one of the easiest to dodge in the game. He might be A tier, but certainly not S tier. Competent survivors will barely struggle against him because they already can dodge his power easily.

  5. The new “Perk” “Scavenger” from the newest “Survivor” “Gabriel Soma” seems to have a few Content Creators terrified at the possibility of a “1 time use of getting any “Toolbox” with any “Add-Ons” completely refilled through the trial.” I would like to say that some of the comments about how using “Toolboxes” ups the chances at getting a “Skill Checks” and while this is true “Scavenger” doesn’t activate until the “Toolbox” is empty, thus no added effect of more chances of getting “Skill Checks”. Now while you could run “Hyperfocus or Stakeout” with “Scavenger” I do feel it is pointless just for the chance to more Skill Checks. (That being said “Hyperfocus” and Stakeout are still good “Perks” and would synergize well with “Scavenger” but we can’t always look at the “what if the survivor always brings, “Hyperfocus” and “Scavenger” or even “Stakeout”. The “Perk” by itself is shouldn’t be a problem but yes is “Survivors” make builds around it as in any build these days then yes some builds can be strong. But it has way too many factures to integrate, The “Map”, the “Killer”, the “Killer” “Add-Ons” the “Killers” “Perks”, the “Killers” gameplay, the “Survivors” gameplay, the “Killer’s” mindset, the “Survivors” mindset. It is way too soon to judge the “Perk” strengths and weaknesses on what ifs, let it ride out the way it is and let’s see how well it plays against good “Killers” and “Survivors”, thus good players against bad “Killers” and bad “Survivors”, thus bad players. As it stands right off the gate Killers already have multiple ways to combat “Scavenger” with “Perks” such as “Franklin’s, Demise”, “Overwhelming Presence”, “Unnerving Presence”, and “Hex: Huntress Lullaby”. I’m sure there are more but those would just affect “Generator Speeds” and “Generator Regression”. The before mentioned “Perks”, either makes “Survivors” drop their “Items” or use them too quickly. Also the “Killer” could always just use tactics as in “Camping” (“Face Camping”, “Proxy Camping” “Tunneling “and “Slugging”

  6. The Pyramid Head buff is fine. Trails were super unreliable and now encourages you to use his M2 and cage which everyone says "It negates BT, it negates Deliverance, it's op!" But remember with cages Pyramid Head can't use Hooking perks. No Pop, No Barbecue, no Scourge Hook. None of those. Cages also spawn far away from and he doesn't know where they spawned. The only times I "Tunneled" was when i was chasing someone and led me to the caged survivor being uncaged and i hit both of them. It's not that big of a deal

  7. The Argument that if 4 Survivors bring Scavenger than it will be overpowerer, but if 4 Survivors all bring any perks that are the same than it is overpowered. 4 Dead Hards, 4 Sprint Burst, 4 Distortions, Unbreakable, Adrenalines.

  8. Between the Skull Merchant and this killer, they have completely ruined the aesthetic of DbD. All of the original killers before Skull Merchant except Legion and Trickster have been at least from 50 years before present day and all of the original maps except Ormond are of a similar vintage. Skull Merchant could have been overlooked because she's not really futuristic, just using today's technology and she reworked an existing crappy map. But this killer is futuristic, alien and sci-fi along with a garish, busy off-world map that really clashes with everything that came before it.
    They could have made Skull Merchant and this killer use magic rather than technology. I think it would have been so much better for DbD to have kept to its established aesthetic at least for maps and killers, excepting the crazy cosmetics. Now it's clear absolutely anything goes as well as that they are recycling stuff from Meet Your Maker and other projects, and it is truly a shame.

  9. However, I have a feeling he will come out of the ptb and they will complain that the new killer isn't strong enough then they they will buff him and only make it unfair like they do with all killers and make them op

  10. I think they could keep the pyramid head changes can stay if they make hook perks work with cages like DS OTR and BT. But until they do that definitely should not keep them

  11. I believe that this chapter is no different from the Skull Merchant one. We got the same killer, just more carefully designed. Same 3 gen stats, same zone control, same "you either disable it or prepare for the hit" effect. Nothing has changed yet people are blabbering like crazy that this chapter is good. The "crying about everything" meta is unpredictable.
    Upd: When SM was released, many people decided to starve her for drones and thus the buff patch was released. I won't be surprised if the same happens here. Especially the addon part makes me laugh. You are literally un-bloody-stoppable and everyone is celebrating it like it's some kind of a great event, yet y'all hate nurse with her "fuck you and your loop" playstyle. Great job, guys.

  12. Idk if anyone pointed this out, but the whole chapter is a painfully obvious reference to a game SOMA, that has the same concepts of half-natural humans, copying of a personality and inseting it somewhere else. Even the survivor's surname is Soma…


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