First Huntress Game in a Looooong Time – Dead by Daylight

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38 thoughts on “First Huntress Game in a Looooong Time – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Im done with this game till wesker comes out. Every killer match is either a loss or a 2k with 3ks and 4ks being very rare. Not to mention gens still fly as quickly as they did before the major update

  2. 2:11 And you misunderstood what was said. "Survivors don't hate it [Dead Dog] because it is not indoors" which meaning they hate indoor maps but then you go on a rant about people liking in door maps.
    Though point of order I, personally, like in door maps, in general. At least I don't hate them, in general. Léry's is alright, nothing really to complain about other than a lock of "high places" to drop from. Gideon is another alright map, could use some more windows and maybe another set of stairs somewhere not in the center of things. Silent Hill is a bit tiresome to get around but not hard once you learn to just go to the corners, finding totems can be a big pain though. I agree with you that Raccoon City should be deleted from the game, loathe both maps.
    And I still miss Hawkins, it was best designed indoor map in my opinion.

    3:28 Do you have a ready clip of this "double hit"?
    Does any one?

    Still really solid game play over all Scott.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  3. Seeing a survivor get almost no distance after a hit then downed seconds later by a hatchet because they couldn't get distance is excruciating what was BHVR thinking when they reduced the injury speed boost? ugh.

  4. How DARE you SCOTT? Abusing the MMR system like all streamers do obviously! Trying to play killers you don’t play to get baby survivor smh my head Scott. You should be very ashamed. Cut your finger off for the family now

  5. That conversation in the beginning makes me think of a game I had just the other day with a couple of friends. Wraith sends us to Dead Dawg, and in the end game I asked him why because it doesn't seem like he's going for a specific build or anything that would go with that map. Killer doesn't answer my question and just keeps saying shit like "ggez easy 4k against sweat squad look at your meta perks I beat you and you cry about it" even though all we're asking is, why that map? Why Dead Dawg? They legit never answered us, but they said Dead Dawg was a survivor sided map.

  6. Scott my dude, how are you surprised they are doing that much gens at 10 mins into the match? The average match for me lasts 4 mins with gen rushers everywhere. Don't even get much chance to slow them down.

  7. The outside of the map is killer sided. Good survivors will head for the saloon and then its oh dear. Sure its "doable" but a basic M1 killer will certainly have a harder time.

  8. People keep talking trash to Scott for no reason, like chill y'all, damn. Man is just playing a game for your entertainment. If you don't like him or his content then don't watch, it's seriously that simple.


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