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The new PTB is out with the new killer, The Trickster, aka Genji from overwatch, aka Dio from Jojo. Wait, was that a JoJo reference!?
What’s gonna be put here? VOD stuff, and other stuff that I don’t deem fit for the production value of the main channel. Buckle your seatbelts, buckaroos, the content’s about to start flowin.
Q: Are these videos monetized?
A: Sometimes, just depending on what kinda music is in the video. There may be ads on some, but I’m most likely not making anything off of them, and instead the copyright holders who claimed them are. I just wanted a place to put funny hahas from VODS, and other fun stuff.
Music in the background by Electric Dragon!
Main Channel:
I am disappointed In this killer
Go back i want to be monke
Off-Brand Joker!
New killer seems fun sucks that people are complaining abt the survivor not being lgbtq+ or it being kpop :/
Nea put the dumb in dumb tech
It's MUDA MUDA MUDA, farmer
I feel like this fucking killer is gonna ask me if i believe in gravity…
Its the huntresses boyfriend
I wonder what he looks like from the survivor side.
Damn besides pinball man this is another fun one to play
His chase music sounds like millions of screaming fans, literally tearing each other apart just to get to him. I can't wait to hear it LIVE.
only thing about it is… his knives seem hard to hit at long range, and seemingly the only reasonable range to hit them is once you're like… within m1 distance lol
Our host farmer john? I thought this was not farmer john. Have you been lying to us not farmer john
How to nerf DS even more: Make it so it deactivates if you go into a locker
I'm only scared because of the community being what they are. If that makes sense without using certain words.
I can’t wait to get my hands on that kill 😎😎
Why did you keep saying "madu" instead of "muda"? Cringe tbh.
1:18 I think she was trying to CJ tech. Not to dumb tech.
We calling him Huntster or Trickstress?
Why wasn't there a new killer? There was just a nerfed huntress
Imagine dc'ing on the ptb
That Nea and Feng are an embarrassment 😆
wtf is maru maru
If you could keep your Main Event ready to use when you’d like I think he could be quite strong, but right now not too good
what does the killer say when he’s about to mori
you know sometimes you dont need a character to be "viable" sometimes you just want a character that is stupid fun and it looks like that is what he will be.