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  1. as expected. Out of his powers the only one worth a damn is picking the pallet up. And even then they just smack it right back down on you near instantly. Way too safe Devs.

  2. I think it’s good that the devs played it safe in the PTB so that hopefully in the live version they make him a lot better, and I suppose it is better than dropping a killer that might be OP in the PTB, I doubt they will keep him just like this in the live version, but overall seems like a good PTB with a killer that has high potential to be a really fun and fair killer I guess, I don’t know why I’m seeing a lot of people criticizing the work (not “constructive criticism”) on the killer when it’s just a PTB, wait for the Live version lol.

  3. It's cool that the orb disables survs magic items, but it's weird how slow the orb is, and the hand.. well it's a waist of time most of the time bc the Killer gets slower everytime he cast his magics..

  4. Vecna seems like a decent killer ngl. Fly can be used to cross the map. It isn't super easy to use in chase and can only really be used to body block or corral survivors, but it is still good map traversal if you need to get somewhere. Mage hand is pretty good. Picking up a pallet fast and getting an easy hit on a survivor is great, but you do need the addon to increase the speed if you want to make it more useful. As for holding a pallet, you can use the addon to increase the hold duration, which mainly helps with picking up a survivor that is on a pallet that wants to get saved. The flight of the damned is decent but easily counterable. Using it through walls is the best way to get a hit. Other than that, you are just making them crouch for a split second, which slows them down but isn't overtly useful. The dispelling sphere is obviously helpful. Getting information and disabling magic items isn't bad. All of his powers have their purpose, but they are not tuned to do the same thing. He is like a swiss army knife, caring more about having options for every situation rather than having one option for one that is really strong. He could probably use some love, but I don't think the numbers need a huge change.

  5. I don’t share the same sentiment that DnD is cool and that it’s cool to see it in DbD. I think both characters are totally out of place, and it’s more annoying that there’s yet more random chance in the game. Having total control isn’t fun but having even less is worse.

  6. I fear he's going to go the way of Sadako where his power has too much going on for the casual players to understand so they will complain he is OP and BHVR will balance around these players. Resulting in a killer who dominates low skill lobbies but is near useless vs decent players.

  7. Sigh, I hate to do this as I know it is not going to go over well. Tru3, you are just not doing very well with this killer. I have watched hours of this killer all day. And you are having the most trouble with this killer I do mean just you really. You might want to go survivor and go verse him a bit, see if you can get into a few other folks lobbies and see what they are doing different. Even basic use of Mage Hand seems to be going massively better for everyone else, so I just don't know why you are having such a bad run of it. I am a long time viewer and subscriber so please do not view this as hate or trash-talk, I think it just is taking you a while to sync up with the play style. Try versing a few others and you might see how they are pulling it off.

  8. This killer seems recycled to me. His ghost things he sends out are pretty much Artist's crows. The ability that holds the pallet up is like Blight's perk (Blood Favor, i think?), and the zooming around is kind of like other killers with similar abilities. Behaviour must be running out of ideas

  9. I used trickster’s glove alongside Fire Up to at least prevent pallet save when picking up a survivor. It worked. So it isn’t completely useless.

    You might have to swing away from the pallet tho before the spell ends

  10. Saw some other killers gameplay. Might be best to use the hand power for pallets, as survivors time the drop animation so you can cancel it out as soon as possible and hit them. That’s the best possible way to use it, but still a mindgame of dropping the pallet or continuing the loop

  11. So what I've seen n played:
    -Pay attention to who has a vecna item. The teleport WILL burn your ass n the eye will gurantee they walk right by you.

    – picking up the pallet it the way when not running the iri. Yes they can drop but there is a short period they can't drop so do when they actually stay at a loop n go to a favorable position for you.

    – the orb is nice but more useful for building location, unhook escapee info, n using at jungle gyms to out mind game the survivor.

    – fly is best for traverse but w time I'm Def feeling some may figure out how to properly tune it the cut survivors off/ force into a dead zone.

    – the flying dead dudes are best using when line of sight is broken. The attack it so incredibly easy to dodge/duck. More consistent use is when they will be forced to vault, catch em at the vault/ window/pallet OR fire it so they hesitate.

    Overall…a buff I believe is in order. Painfully slow at execution of abilities tho too much will easily make him broken. He needs slightly more speed or less cooldown. Then solid. M.o. ofcourse

  12. Plus ppl what happens when a killer is too strong like my twins in ptb??? …. no one….plays the ptb. Rn? Ptb is booming. Yes he needs a buff but def usable n enjoyable for both sides. Also mimics are hilarious

  13. I was worried about this in the stream yesterday and it's apparent today that made hand has very easy counter play. Although it's pretty quick to pick the pallet up, the survivor can just drop it back down on you, time wasted.

    The traversal is by far the best mechanic since you get zero collision while flying but limit steering. Very good for linear chases where you can cut your prey off.

    The projectile is just obvious, everyone will be ducking around corners at meta level.


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